Monday Feb 27, 2023
A Disciple Maker Needs People
Foundational Relationships for a Disciple Maker
Christianity is about relationships.
We need to be around people on the same journey. Co-workers in the harvest field.
Why? Encouragement and support.
Where do you find them? Hopefully in your church family!
What kind of relationship do you have? Deep friendship based on mutual foundation of Christ and commitment to His mission.
We need to be around people who are new to the journey and those who haven’t started it yet.
Why? These are disciples and future disciples of Jesus. These are the two groups of people we focus on pouring our lives into.
What do we mean by people new to the journey?
How do we connect with them?Where do we meet them? What do we do with them? Teach them to do what you do!
Goal is to help them be disciple makers.
What about those who haven’t started yet?
Where do we meet them?
What do we do with them?
We need to be around people who are more mature and further along the road to Christ-likeness than we are.
Why? We see area that we need to address in our own lives and are challenged to grow.