Friday May 19, 2023
Are your Goals for your Children hindering their Spiritual Growth?
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What do you want for your children? Are your goals hindering spiritual growth?
Many people have goals for themselves and for their children that fall short of God’s plan and purpose for their lives. Where do you stand?
Where do you get your goals for your children? Do you have clear goals for your children?
At the National Disciple Makers Forum ,#NDMF2023, Renae Sprouls talked about the culture problem facing the church. As she and her husband mentor young parents, they often hear variations on the same themes when they ask about goals for children:
“We want them to think for themselves. We want them to be successful. We want them to question authority. We want them to be happy.”
While those are not all awful things, they are built on a few dangerous assumptions:
1. There is no authority outside of self.
2. Self is the moral authority.
There is no longer a general knowledge and acceptance of the Bible as an authority for life.
Renae challenged parents to keep two things in mind if they want to be raising children who are not swept along with the winds of culture.
1. Be really clear about Jesus.
* Jesus had a high view of Scripture
* Jesus came to fulfill the law
* The Bible is God’s Word; there is no higher authority.
* Man shall not live by bread alone. The spiritual life matters. Scripture is the foundation.
2. Teach your children to feed themselves.
* Parents are responsible for teaching life skills. Handling God’s Word is an important one!
* Many people don’t know where to start with the Bible. Encourage and teach everyone – you can and must feed yourself from God’s Word. Give them freedom and confidence to try.
*Children can do it too! Learn to eat like an adult! What is modeled and expected becomes normal.
- TV, movies, music, SM, are all like junk food; they kill our taste for real truth.
- Teach your kids, “If you don’t like it, keep trying it.” You will learn to appreciate your vegetables and your Bible as you grow up. If you find truth you don’t like, don’t ask what is wrong with the truth, but what is wrong with me that I don’t like the truth. God changes us over time as we grow in Him.