Friday Mar 03, 2023
Believing, Being and Doing - Truth, Character and Actions
Life has a purpose – To glorify God. God gives us a LOT of information about how we can do that as we live a life in relationship with His church and attempt to carry out His command to make disciples.
Practically living out your purpose has three main parts, Believing, ,Being and Doing.
What you believe will impact how you understand your purpose and how you view yourself in the world. Who you are will impact your ability to live out what you believe about your purpose. What you do each day is the result of your beliefs carried out through the filter of your personality and gifts.
Believe -
How do you determine truth?
What is your theology? Foundation for thinking about God, Life, Purpose, Truth
This is your thinking – intentional, deep consideration of truth as well as the beliefs that you pick up from pop culture, things you assume to be true even though you haven’t examined them yourself.
Be -
Who are you? What kind of person are you? Character traits and personality as well as practical skills.
You are changing over time. Are you growing and intentionally applying yourself to be a better person, however you define it (belief system)? Are you stagnant, the same person you were 10 years ago, just older? How will you be remembered when you are gone?
Do -
What are you doing? What actions characterize your life? What habits have you developed over time? Are they mostly intentional or just the result of defaulting to the easy path?
You will do something with your life. How will it be talked about at your funeral? How will God judge your life’s actions?