Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Blueprint for a Spiritual Life -Ep.268
Making those needed changes to your life is hard. It’s even harder when you don’t have a clear picture of what changes you should be making! Thankfully God gives us a blueprint for what He is doing in our lives.
Welcome to Run With Horses. My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Thrive as a follower of Jesus. You may see a need to make some changes and not be sure what steps to take. God hasn’t hidden the work He is doing in your life though, He is working to make you more like Jesus and the bible gives us a pretty good picture of what a life following Jesus should look like. Today we are looking at a quick overview of the blueprint He gives us,. . . in the life of Christ.
We will come back to that in a minute. First some housekeeping. If you are listening to Run With Horses on Revelation Radio, you need to know that Beginning November 4th we have a new time and day along with some format changes. We go to the new ONE hour format on Saturday, Nov. 4 at our new time, 6:30-7:30 PM. So starting in Nov. look for us at every Saturday night at 6:30 pm for an hour-long show!
For those who listen to Run With Horses on your favorite podcast player, new episodes will coincide with the radio broadcast and will be available every Saturday night beginning Nov. 4th.
Back to our regularly scheduled programing!
I mentioned in the last show that. like it or hate it, change is necessary. Without changing I will never be like Jesus! But random change, unrelated to what God is doing isn’t helpful. We are invited to join in the work that God is doing and be intentional about pursuing godliness and righteousness.
In the last show I mentioned Lack of motivation, lack of a plan, and poor priorities as reasons we struggle to change. Today we address the idea of having a clear goal of what we are changing into...the image of Jesus.
The Mind of Jesus.
The Purpose of Jesus.
Lived out in His relationships
The Relationships of Jesus.
With God - John 6:38 -
To carry out God’s Plan of Redemption.
With His followers – John 15:12-17 –
With the World – Matt. 9:36-38 –
Luke 19:1-10 –
So we look for these things in our lives.
The Fruit of the Spirit
Galatians 5:22-25 –
Love for God and Man
Matthew 22:37-39 –
Obedience and Good Works
Titus 2:11-14 –
Engagement in Disciple Making
Matthew 28:18-20 –
Thanks for joining me today. If you have thoughts or questions about your spiritual life, write me at I would love to hear from you. Keep looking for the change that God is working in your life. God is working to prepare you for eternity and close fellowship with Himself.
Find a friend today and encourage them to keep on the journey with you.
Keep running!