Monday Aug 08, 2022
Build Up One Another
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Quote of the Day: “In order to have a winner, the team must have a feeling of unity; every player must put the team first ahead of personal glory.” ~ Bear Bryant
How do we build unity in the church?
Communication – prayer, talking about real issues in life and the church
Time together, accomplishing things together – training, ministry
Recognizing common goals
How do we put the team first in the church? What does that look like in your church?
Support others ministry in prayer.
Consider if your gifts could be used to help someone else.
News and Culture: Where do we see examples of support and encouragement happening in the world?
Sports teams - if there are no “superstar” attitudes.
Joint goal ties team together.
Short term – move the ball down the field. Current outreach program – Christmas, VBS
Long term – score more points than the opposing team. Spiritual maturity, grow community influence, impact
We need each other to win in team sports. See value in all positions.
Chloe’s Corner: We Are Born
Living Theology:
Encourage and build up one another (1 Th 5:11)
Stimulate one another to love and good deeds (He 10:24)
What does it mean to build up one another?
Contribute to strengthening each others faith.
Strong faith – patient, unmoving in trials, bold, mature
Support weaknesses in others.
Support when others have problems, trials.
How do you do that?
Spend good relational time together. Insert deeper spiritual topics into the conversation and be open with your struggles and questions.
Pray together, pray for each other. Let others know you are praying.
Look for opportunities to serve each other.
Learn together – study the Bible together and talk through the application.
Share what you are learning with others. Shows you are reading your Bible, evidence you are growing, encourages others that they can read and apply Scripture to their own life.
Attend church together, start a small group with others who want to grow.