Monday Feb 13, 2023

Can you Lead A Bible Study?

Can You Lead a Bible Study?

Hopefully most of you answer that question with a resounding YES!

It’s not that hard but it is extremely important.

Basic Bible study, for beginners.

What do we mean by a Bible study? 
What we don’t mean:
-- You don’t have to have all the answers.
-- You don’t have to go through a devotional book.
-- You don’t have to be a seminary graduate or pro.
-- You don’t have to have an extensive library of resources.
-- It doesn’t mean guessing at the meaning of the Bible passage.

What we do mean:
-- You have a group of friends you enjoy being around and are willing to have spiritual conversations with.
-- You are reading your Bible and growing. You have learned something from the Bible that has helped you in the past.
-- Willing to invest time and energy in other people with the Bible as the center. The Holy Spirit is the teacher.
-- Basically, it’s reading the Bible with other people and talking together about what God has to say.
-- Being willing to say, “I don’t know. Let’s look into that.”
-- Accepting that God doesn’t give you every answer for every question you ask in as much detail as you might want.

Everyone who wants to grow in Christ-likeness. 
Everyone who has Christian friends who you want to see grow.
Everyone who has unsaved friends who you’d like to meet Jesus.

How do you define a mature Christian? Certainly being able to talk about God’s Word to others would be a requirement.
-- Example: How Dottie Hatfield passed the opportunity on to me, though I didn’t feel ready, was clueless.

The church needs more mature Christians. Having more people to lead Bible studies means more people are actively growing from both sides, as teachers and as students. You grow more when you are the teacher than as a student. It helps you learn to put biblical truth into your own words.

Everyone will benefit from being part of a small group of people who are actively discussing the Word of God.

Often understanding the personal application requires some discussion and thought.

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