Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Christmas 2023 Part 2
Today we pause from our regular show and focus on the birth of Jesus. I hope to read through the story of His birth as told by Matthew and Luke. It is a lot and if you are listening on Revelation Radio there is a chance I won’t finish in the hour I have. If so, you are invited top complete the reading yourself at home.
Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. At this time of year we remember His birth and the life that He lived, leading to the cross.
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 9:6-7
Luke 1:1-80
Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 2:1-39
Matthew 2:1-23
Taken from the World English Bible, American English Edition
And that, my Friends, is the story for he birth of Jesus according to Matthew and Luke!
I have heard many arguments over the years of why we should not celebrate Christmas. A Christian whitewash of a Pagan holiday is the common complaint.
Yes. So What.
There was a good reason for coopting the pagan celebrations and putting a reminder of God’s work in their place. When you remove a huge part of your life, you will replace it with something. When people turned to God, the vacant days set aside for celebrating idols would be filled with something. Like those stones I mentioned in the first half, just stones until they are set aside as a memorial for remembering God’s work. Christmas is like that.
But, it is in danger of being overrun by commercialism and that is a concern. The world would like to forget that Jesus IS.
What do you and your family do to keep Jesus at the center of Christmas? Any special family traditions?
As a follower of Jesus in a real sense, everyday is Christmas. Every day is Easter too. Never forget what He did for you. Live like it matters. Make choices that keep Him first
Thanks for joining me again today! What is God doing in your life this holiday season? How are you focusing on abiding in Christ in the midst of a busy schedule? I’d love to hear from you, write me at or leave a comment on the Run With Horses Podcast facebook page. Take time today to pause and thank God for His work in your life and keep running.