Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Counting the Cost and Following Jesus
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Today on Run With Horses, I am continuing my discussion from last time on living a life that is worthwhile. We need to count the cost, but it is always worth it to follow Jesus.
My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Run Your Race Well, not just Surviving but Thriving as a Disciple of Jesus! There are a LOT of things you could do with your life, but I don’t think anything compares with following Jesus and joining Him on His mission of bringing Hope to the nations.
Thanks for including me in your journey!
On the last show I asked two important questions, First, What is your life worth? You are spending your time on something. Is it something worthwhile?
Second, What is 1 thing worth giving the next 5 years of your life to accomplish?
I want to challenge you to live an Intentional life. If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. But I’m not sure that Jesus really intended for us to live that way. Look at Luke 14: 25-33
My take is that Jesus is calling us to an intentional life and we need to consider what it will take to live it. John 8:12
I’m pretty sure that is a good thing! Jesus wants us to join Him on His mission, and He wants us to kow that it is a lifetime commitment that will cost us. But it is worth it!
So if you are tracking with me, you are considering what your life is worth, and thinking about what is worth your life. Maybe you are already committed to following Jesus and have a clear picture of the tower you are building and have your sleeves rolled up as you put in the effort to see God’s work in your life and through your life accomplished. If so, Awesome! Let me know what God is doing in your life, I would love to rejoice with you and pray for you as you live a life of eternal meaning and purpose!
Reach out and encourage those around you to join you and keep on keeping on!
But I know many feel stuck in a run and want to make some steps of faith. The tower they began working on years ago is still just a foundation that has sand blown across it and weeds starting to creep in along the edge. The busyness of life and the distractions of the world make it easy to leave the hard work of building a spiritual tower for another vague time in the future when “things settle down”. Hey, no judgment here, I have been there.
But it’s not OK to stay there. God really is doing something in your life and He wants to make you a better you, and give you a bigger purpose than just making it to the end of the week unscathed.
God never hides the fact that He has great plans for us. See Ephesians 2:1-10.
As you pray about what God is doing in your life and seriously answer the question about what is worth spending the next five years of your life to accomplish, remember that God already knows and has planned the good works for you. And He has prepared you for those good works!
There is no reason to fear or turn away, God Himself has promised to go with you and give you His strength to accomplish His purpose in and through you. Maybe the old Nike slogan, Just Do IT, would be appropriate here. We often hesitate and loose momentum or even sink into the mire of earthly things and get stuck in our spiritual life. And that carries over to all aspects of life. You can’t be the best YOU without being tied to God’s mission on earth and your part in it. He gave you gifts for a purpose and without using them, you are always out of step with your eternal purpose.
Know that you are created with a purpose and embrace God’s call on your life. But, count the cost. The work God has called you to will cost you. And it will be worth it.
As you look toward the future and consider how to invest the life that God has given you, along with all of your gifts, talents, abilities, and resources; consider how you can be intentional along the way. I believe God has given us intellect for a reason, Use it to plan out a path forward that is in line with His mission, uses your gifts, and builds up His church. Evaluate yourself and consider adding new skills to your list. What will help you be a more effective servant along the way? Similar question, Who should you be traveling with? As you build a spiritual tower and are counting the cost, consider how Nehemiah rode around the city walls evaluating and only then did he reach out and invite others into the work God had laid on his heart. He presented a clear plan of action and challenged everyone to do their part for the Glory of God. Who can you challenge to go with you as you intentionally pursue a life in Jesus’ footsteps?
Thanks for joining me today! Check out runwithhorses.net for show notes and past shows. Write me at norman@runwithhorses.net if you have comments or questions. Join our facebook community and tell a friend if you have found this show helpful! Keep Running!