Monday Jan 02, 2023
Disciple Making Goals for 2023 - Do you have some?
Disciple Making Goals for 2023
Do you have a Paul, Barnabas and Timothy?
- Evaluate yourself, are you growing? What would help you grow this year? Are you ready to take on a challenge?
- Who do you know that might be willing to serve with you in ministry, committing to grow together?
- Are there people in your church family you could encourage and challenge in their spiritual walk this year? Who will you be discipling in 2023?
How do you identify someone to work with?
- F.A.T. - Faithful, Available and Teachable
- Who has time? Who is showing the motivation to learn and grow?
What are the tools and resources you need?
- Do you have topics identified to invest time in learning more about?
What do you do with someone you are discipling?
- Relational time together
- Prayer together
- Read the bible together
- Look for opportunities to serve together
Will you commit to looking for those around you who are spiritually minded and invest in them for the glory of God?
You will grow more than those you disciple!