Friday Jul 14, 2023
God’s Grace vs My Stewardship?
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Today on Run With Horses, we consider our responsibility and God’s plan – That includes stewardship, God’s sovereignty and God’s grace.
My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Run Your Race Well, not just Surviving but Thriving as a Disciple of Jesus! There are a LOT of things you could do with your life, but I don’t think anything compares with following Jesus and joining Him on His mission of bringing Hope to the nations.
Thanks for including me in your journey!
I need a better system for keeping track of emails. I have folders but somehow I have too many and they don’t work as well as they should. I need a new system. Any good ideas out there? Let me know! norman@runwithhorses.net
Susan and I in the car, talking about life. Stewardship, responsibility and expectations came up. Not using those exact words but the topics were definitely there.
Here is an important thought we focused on. Being a good steward does not guarantee you good results. We don’t like that do we!
We feel like we earned a good result by making good choices in life.
However, your faithfulness doesn’t obligate God to act in a certain way.
You can exercise and eat right but still get cancer or die in a car wreck. Does that mean you shouldn’t be a good steward? No! It means God is the ultimate authority and you can only be a good steward of what HE give you. It’s hard to be satisfied with less than we feel we deserve.
It’s also true in sharing the gospel. We can pray and share the gospel faithfully and still not see that dearly loved friend or family member turn to Jesus. It’s important to remember the three parts – my part, your part and God’s part. God never fails in his part. And even when we do our part, each person is responsible themselves before God. It’s hard for us to accept that sometimes.
Let’s take a sticky subject these days. Politics. Your vote for president doesn’t guarantee he will win or that if he wins he will act as you believe he should. Romans 13 comes to mind here. This is one of the passages we were talking about in the car.
How does this phrase strike you? “The authorities that exist are appointed by God.”
Proverbs 21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.
It seems to me that we like these kinds of verses when we like the leaders we have. We begin to wonder if God made a mistake somehow when we don’t like them!
My part, your part and God’s part. And then there’s Grace. Thankfully grace covers a lot of me failing to do my part well. I am so thankful that Grace covers when my strength is weak and my mind is dull. Like Paul I always want to be confident that His grace is sufficient.
And that means His Grace is sufficient for you. Somehow is is harder for us to accept mistakes in other people’s lives than in our own. God’s Grace is sufficient for me but you better watch yourself! Oru critical, judgmental nature pops right out when others stumble.
An important part of our spiritual journey is realizing that God’s Grace is sufficient for me, and for you. I have to be a willing vehicle for God’s Grace in your life. Instead of Judging, bringing a helping hand and a word of encouragement knowing that I will need it tomorrow.
The spiritual life is never boring! There are always new lessons to learn and new steps of Faith to take as we follow Jesus. Be a good steward of what God gives you, trust Him in the details and give Grace to those around you. And Keep Running!