Monday Jun 13, 2022
Growing Older and Pursuing Fruit of the Spirit
Quote of the Day: John F. Kennedy’s famous words, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
Is this spirit totally dead in the world today? Where do you see it in the country? In your church? In your life?
It is a call to action to do what is right for the greater good.
We too often are serving only our own interests in the world today.
Trying to make yourself happy will only end up with you miserable. You can not satisfy yourself. but you can make someone else’s life better.
News and Culture: Growing Older -
How do I view life and my place in it? Joy should grow with age. Greater understanding of God’s plan and my place it it.
Chance to invest in others, particularly the next generation.
Wisdom learned from life’s hard lessons.
Improved social skills from when we were more self-centered as a child and young adult.
Hopefully a chance to reflect on accomplishments and God’s work in my life to this point.
Young people - appreciate your parent’s and grandparents if you have them. you may not agree with everything they say, they grew up in a different time with different hardships and opportunities. But there are lessons you can learn from them if you are willing. be humble and teachable. Love them while you have the chance.
Living Theology: Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23 - love, joy, peace, longsuffering/ patient, gentleness/kindness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control.
Attributes of spiritual fruit you can actually work on and make intentional effort to apply.
There are things you can do to apply your self to the work of sanctification that God is working out in your life. Apply yourself to growing in your faith and in your character.
Practice patience. Learn to listen to others well. Look for opportunities to serve people, even those you don’t know.
Prayerfully ask God to change you and at the same time, apply yourself to change.