Monday Sep 26, 2022

Have you settled for Better in your Spiritual Life?

Are you settling for Better in your spiritual life?

Quote of the Day:

“When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”— Dr. Seuss

James 1 teaches that God is using trials in your life to strengthen your faith. You need trials to be the person God is making you.

Understanding the purpose of a trial can help you go through it without being defeated.

God offers us His view of life, trials, pain, suffering, relationships, priorities, values and Himself.

To know what He says is Good. To follow it is Better. To pursue it with your heart, mind and soul is Best. Choose the Life He intends for you. Surrender control and put everything into being the person God says you are.

Consider Good, Better, Best

Pastor challenged me to pursue the best.

Good to avoid overt sin.

Better to follow righteousness, make choices that glorify God.

Best to surrender all to Him and give all your energy to be the person God intends for you to be. Heart, soul, mind and strength. Accept His goals for your life. Accept His direction. Work to build His family.

Mary and Martha - serving

Rich young Ruler – obedience to rules

What are you putting in front of living with God? Have you surrendered your all?


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