Monday Jan 30, 2023

Have YouLeft Your Foundation?

The Gospel is Our Strong Foundation


What is the Gospel?

First, the Bad News… We are broken, separated from God and His design for our lives by sin.


The Good News!

God IS!

God is INTENTIONALLY working in the world.

He loves us!

Jesus lived as an example for us, died as a sacrifice for us, was buried in a grave and rose again – victorious over death and offering us LIFE and HOPE.


Why is it so important?

What makes this foundation, so foundational for a Christian?

It recognizes God’s work in our lives and in the world. It points the glory to God and gives us a purpose for our pain and trials. It gives our lives meaning and hope.


How do we maintain it?

A foundation needs to be maintained to prevent corrosion and decay.

Spiritual growth is a result of God’s work in our lives.


How do we build on it?

A foundation is meant to support a structure. In this case a life.

Practice. Follow Jesus in the little things to learn to follow Him in the big ones. The practice of obedience grows our faith.

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