Saturday Dec 16, 2023
How are your Priorities? Part 1
Today we continue thinking about how we can be intentional about making spiritual progress in our life. Last week our focus was to clarify our purpose this week we think about our priorities.
Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. There are lots of moving parts to the journey but our foundation is built on the solid Rock. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep making steps forward on your spiritual journey.
Last week we talked about seeing the needs in the world. Particularly important is the need for more harvest workers. I asked you to focus on prayer for those workers and to pray for a greater burden for the work and mission of Jesus. I moved on to consider how God made you and has designed you for a purpose. We took John 15:9-17 and looked at some things that God wants for you.
This week we turn toward living out that purpose. Hopefully you have spent some time considering what God has to say about you and about the call that Jesus made to all His followers. “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Actually the way I like to put it is to combine two verses. “Deny yourself, take up your cross, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Your purpose, regardless of age, income, job title or current address, is to be a disciple maker – an ambassador for Christ.
So how do you see your priorities every day? How do you know what to focus on? In other words, how do you live out your purpose?
The world gives you lots of ideas! Many churches take Peter Drucker’s advice.
Peter Drucker’s Five Magic Questions
The management guru Peter Drucker framed his consulting advice around five critical questions. With the answers to these five questions, you could run and grow your business.
Here are Drucker’s five questions:
1. What is your mission?
2. Who is your customer?
3. What does your customer value?
4. What results do you seek?
5. What is your plan?
Sometimes he would spend an entire day on the first question, challenging the leadership team he was working with to redefine what business they were really in.
I can see some value in those questions, if they are answered the right way. But too often churches answer the question, Who is your customer? With some kind of demographic survey and an ideal person in their area.
My customer is Jesus. What does He value? Answer that and you are well on your way to determining your best priorities for the week.
After a short break we will look at some biblical advice for our priorities.
The Bible doesn’t tell you exactly what to do each day but God does tell you what is important to Him and what you should value in life. That is a pretty good place to start when you consider your priorities.
Matt. 6:33
Luke 10:38-42
Matt. 22:35-40 –
Deut. 6:4-7 -
Romans 12:1-2 –
1 Timothy 2:1-2 –
1 Timothy 3:1-7
Matt. 28:18-20 –
What does that look like in your life? How are you living out these truths? Next week I plan to bring in some family for a Christmas show but we will return to building an intentional life of following Jesus for the New Year weekend show.,
Thanks for joining me again today! What is God doing in your life this holiday season? How are you focusing on abiding in Christ in the midst of a busy schedule? I’d love to hear from you, write me at or leave a comment on the Run With Horses Podcast facebook page. Take time today to pause and thank God for His work in your life and keep running.