Friday Nov 03, 2023
How’s Your Vision? Plus Subash Muthyala of Bibles International - Ep.272
Today we consider how important it is to have a biblical vision of what God is doing in your life. Don’t aim for a smaller goal than the one God has for you!
Welcome to Run With Horses. My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Thrive as a follower of Jesus. God has a big plan for you. You were created to glorify Him and to build up His church. Don’t settle for less than making real efforts to use your gifts for His glory.
But first, tomorrow is the big day! If you are listening to Run With Horses on Revelation Radio, you need to know that Beginning tomorrow, November 4th we have a new time and day along with some format changes. We go to the new ONE hour format on Saturday, Nov. 4 at our new time, 6:30-7:30 PM. So starting in Nov. look for us at every Saturday night at 6:30 pm for an hour-long show!
For those who listen to Run With Horses on your favorite podcast player, new episodes will coincide with the radio broadcast and will be available every Saturday night beginning Nov. 4th.
Back to our regularly scheduled programing!
Today there are two parts to the show. Stay tuned to the end of the show I have an interview with Subash Muthyala of Bibles International for you.
However I am starting with a look at God’s goal for our lives.
What are you aiming for in life? Do you have a goal of what kind of person you can be and how to become that person? What do you hope to accomplish? What will you be remembered for after you die?
These are all important questions and the key to being able to look back and be content with your life is to be intentional about living out the vision that God has for you now. Make God’s vision for your life, your vision for your life.
You are Called for Fellowship With God
1 Corinthians 1:4-9 –
First church responded to the call by diving in to God’s Word and loving each other.
Acts 2:42 -
Do you have a vision for fellowship with God?
Called for Obedience
Psalm 1:1-2 –
James 1:22-25 –
John 14: 15 -
Do you have a vision for a life lived in obedience to the commands of Jesus?
Called to Serve Others
1 Peter 4:10 -
Acts 20:35 - .
Do you have a vision for a life of service to others?
Called to Be Different
Romans 12:1-2 –
Do you have a vision of a life lived differently than the world?
Ultimately Called to be Like Jesus
1 Peter 2:21 –
1 John 2:3-6 –
Eph 5:1-2 –
Romans 8:28-31 –
Do you have a vision of a life lived like Jesus?
Thanks for Joining me today! If you have questions or comment about todays show, email me at or look up the Run With Horses podcast facebook page.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, God doesn’t intend for you to run the race alone. Invest in those around you and look for fellow travelers on the road toward Jesus. It may be a long road, but keep running!