Monday Mar 27, 2023
Incarnational Living - Being like Jesus Where You Are
Incarnational Living
I always talk about need to be Intentional in our life. But what are we intentionally living out? Today I want to look at one aspect of Intentionally living as a follower of Jesus.
In the theology of Christ, the incarnation is where Jesus took on human nature.
Read Millard Erickson.
As a disciple we use it to mean taking on the life of Christ, to living out Christ-like attitudes, behaviors, conversations and relationships in the world today. As Erickson said, God is in the world. As the church, we are his representatives taking His message wherever we go.
We are not really talking about local church ministry that happens when your church family meets for worship. We are talking about the work of the ministry from Ephesians 4 that builds up the body of Christ toward maturity and shines the light of Jesus in a dark world.
It is being responsible for others. Caring about their spiritual walk and willing to take a risk to be part of it.
What does it look like to live out Christ-likeness in your relationships?
What networks of relationships do you have?
Church Family
A good way to think about it is to consider how you model Christ in each of these webs of relationships. There are different needs in each context. how can you be what is needed in each relationship?
NT Examples:
Jesus saw needs and met them.
Barnabas helping Paul get accepted by other believers.
Dorcas good works and acts of charity, making clothes etc.
Aquilla and Priscilla helping Apollos with his understanding of the gospel.
A good question to ask yourself, What does this person or group need to take a step toward Jesus. How do they get closer to glorifying God in their actions, words, and relationships? How can you help? Do you have a role you can take in helping them take the next step?
Praying for others with the expectation that God will use you in their life. What is that right now?
If you have a need that someone has, are you willing to help meet it? Just pointing it out is not always helpful if you aren't willing to be part of the solution.
Susan - seeing needs on mission field, if you see need, you can't expect others to do it.
Having hope, maintaining the faith that God can and will change people. Keep that hope in front of those around you. God is at work, point it out and keep Him in focus.