Friday Mar 17, 2023
Lessons From Ruth - Part 3
Characteristics of Ruth:
– Respectful (2:1) “Let me go...(glean).” Sought Naomi’s approval or assent.
Also (v. 7), “Please let me glean..” Then, to Boaz later (v. 10), she bowed low to him when he showed her favor.
– Showed initiative. She saw a need (food!) and thought of a way to meet the need.
– Industrious. She was not lazy. Worked all day – gleaned, beat barley, carried home
– Hopeful and optimistic. “I’ll glean in the field of the one in whose sight I’ll find favor.”
– Grateful. 2:10 When Boaz showed kindness, she noted that and thanked him.
– Humble. Didn’t expect everyone to go the extra mile or help her. Saw herself humbly. Didn’t expect good treatment.
– Woman of character. Her life showed her integrity and faith in Israel’s God. Actions matched belief.
– Self-controlled. (v. 14) She ate until she was satisfied!
– Kind and generous. She shared the food with Naomi. Gave detailed explanation to her even though must have been exhausted.
– Dependable. Didn’t just work one day and quit. She saw it through the end of barley harvest AND wheat harvest!
– Dependent on God. “refuge under God’s wings.” (v. 12)
– Accepted help and offers of help (v. 14).