Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Living an Authentic Christian Life
Living an Authentic Life
authentic: of undisputed origin; genuine.
authenticity: means you're true to your own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the pressure that you're under to act otherwise. You're honest with yourself and with others, and you take responsibility for your mistakes. Your values, ideals, and actions align.
Knowledgeable - know God, know God's Word, know yourself and what God says about you and the world.
Honest - with yourself and others
Intentional - Know your values and priorities and make steps to live them out.
Humble - recognize our inability to succeed on our own. Admit your mistakes.
1.In your relationship with God
Knowledgeable- Pursue godliness. Spend time in His Word daily. Practice the presence of God.
Honest- Don't try to hide from Him, one- you can't, two- it isn't necessary or helpful
Intentional-Make plans to spend time with God, include Him in all activities of life, really make Him the center in action not just in word.
Humble- recognize that you need God daily, hourly
2.In your relationship with the church, God's family
Knowledgeable- Get to know what God says about His family generally, then really get to know your local church family.
Honest- Practice transparency and accountability with your church family. Be real, don't try to hide your struggle but don't feel that you need to share them with everyone publicly either. You need close relationships within the church.
Intentional- Seek out times to be with your church family outside of the official scheduled service times.
Humble- Don't judge or compare yourself. Love them all and try to help them all take a step toward Jesus.
3.In your relationship with the world
Knowledgeable- Know the enemy. Be wise in your dealings with the world. Be ready to give an answer for your hope.
Honest- Don't pretend you are perfect because unbelievers are around, acknowledge your struggles.
Intentional- Bring Jesus with you into every relationship and situation
Humble- Remember that without the grace of God you would be no different than the worst person you meet.
4.With yourself.
Knowledgeable- Know what God says about you. get to know your spiritual gifts. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
Honest- Don't fool yourself and try to ignore either your sin or your spiritual fruit!
Intentional- Have a plan to grow!
Humble- Keep your eyes on Jesus. Remember that you need Him every day and every hour.