Wednesday Sep 07, 2022

Marriage A to Z: Commitment

Commitment in Marriage

Commit to God – The foundation for a healthy marriage and relationship. We stand or fall here first.
* God is at work in your life; He’s working in your spouse’s.
-- takes conviction of own identity in Christ

Commit to the Marriage -  The concept, key principles of love and submission to one another. Goal of unity. Principles like these help us steer the ship. 

Commitment defined - a: an agreement or pledge to do something in the future
b: the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled
a commitment to a cause
c: an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.

Commit to your Spouse – Relationship is lived out together. We have to put it all into practice in the relationship.

Commit to the Process
-- takes patience (like farmer has to wait for harvest).
-- takes humility
-- takes faith and hope – 2 Cor. 4:16-18 - in light of eternity
-- takes diligence, persistence
-- takes dependence on God
-- takes claiming God’s promises (Gal. 5:16; Phil. 4:6-8; Phil. 1:6)

God’s goal for us is our sanctification. Marriage is one of the tools of this. His goal isn’t my happiness or for everything to go smoothly. Spiritual growth, deeper relationships, maturity

NOTE: We may sound like we’ve got it all together; but we’re in the process, too!


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