Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Marriage A to Z: Don’t Drip! Complaining and Nagging Don’t Do What You Hope
Don’t Drip! Don’t Complain/ Nag
Are you a complainer?
What is nagging? Complaining?
We get so used to it that we don’t notice it!
Is nagging ever good?
Our words have tremendous power for good or evil. Complaining or nagging will not get the result you hope for in your marriage!
Why do we complain or nag?
You want something to be different. You hope for a different circumstance or action from someone else.
Sin nature.
Proverbs 27:15-17 ;
Proverbs 21:9 ;
Philippians 2:14
Biblical Examples
Job 2:10 ;Samson and Delilah
Live the Spiritual nature.
Consider others best interest, especially your spouse.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 rejoice and give thanks!
Ephesians 4:29 – build up
How to change our conversation?
It is often a learned behavior. From parents or from friends.
Recognize the heart issues involved.
Communication is key. Put others above yourself. Micah 6:8 – Justly, Kindly, Humbly
Eph 4:32
Three cases:
1.Legitimate concern that needs to be addressed.
Health concerns, legit but the way you address it is important.
Pray about it first.
Plan a good time to talk. Spouse not tired from work, bad mood, etc.
Be clear, be kind, be willing to compromise and work TOGETHER for a solution AND for unity.
Share your love and concern.
What if your spouse won’t address problem?
May have to do it yourself.
Find another way to help your spouse understand the need.
2.Personal preference.
Pray about it. Ask God to change you both.
Talk about it, understanding there may be different opinions.
One person feels strongly about one thing, can be ANYTHING. Masks, new car, etc.
Your sin.
Confess and repent. Actively work on changing your habits.
Their sin.
Pray for them.
Gal. 6:2 – gentle, loving attitude is necessary.
Pick a time to talk, be careful of how to talk about the issues.
In the end recognize that only God can change people.
Examples of Destructive attitudes:
Control issues, micromanaging.
Entitlement mentality, I deserve this.