Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Marriage A to Z: Health
Physical, Spiritual, and Mental/Emotional Health
What? (in relation to marriage) Physical: Diet/Exercise/Rest
Why? (the importance of it in marriage) Physical:
-- Discipline (or lack thereof) spills over into other parts of life.
-- Exercise and eating right makes dealing with stress and challenges easier.
-- Stewardship issue – (illus. US 60-yr.old vs. Japan 80 yr.old)
How To? (Contribute to the health of marriage)
-- Talk about it some. Role together is to motivate, support, encourage depending on things. “I see you’re struggling with Oreos. Maybe we shouldn’t buy them anymore.” Ways to help yourself and your spouse achieve success.
What? (in relation to marriage) Mental/Emotional
-- Thoughts -
-- Recognizing and addressing emotions (can’t control necessarily, but work to not let them control YOU!)
Why? (the importance of it in marriage)
-- Stagnant if not learning
-- Emotionally driven if you don’t approach things right
-- Learning and growing, using mental faculties for God’s glory
Take every thought captive, practice is needed
How To? (Contribute to the health of marriage)
-- Mental: Be intentional about learning. Be a life-long learner. Learn things that are useful!
-- Emotion: Recognize them; address. Don’t make decisions based on that. Encourage each other in these. Don’t need to downplay emotions, but help each other see you can’t let them drive and control you.
-- Pray for (and with) each other. One way to address this.
What? (in relation to marriage) Spiritual:
-- Growing in Christlikeness. Directional growth toward maturity.
-- ability to minister, focus outward, discipling others, etc.
Why? (the importance of it in marriage)
-- Because it’s God’s plan for us to be mature!
-- Because this affects all the other parts of your marriage! Foundational
How To? (Contribute to the health of marriage)
-- Talk about things like this. Meaning, value, purpose, spiritual life. Where you are, what your struggles are, areas you need to grow. Ask, share.
-- Practical ways – watch the kids so spouse can have Bible time, spend time with Christian friends
-- Minister together, talk about ministry, priorities together
-- Share about what you’re learning; teach each other to grow in this way.