Monday Jun 27, 2022

Marriage Laws in Japan and God’s Work is Perfect

Quote of the Day: "Theology is only thought applied to religion.” – The New Jerusalem , GK Chesterton

How often, how much do you think about your spiritual life? Why is the most important thing, eternity, such an afterthought? This life and it's worries choke out what really matters.

News and Culture: The Osaka court has upheld the Japanese law that defines marriage as between one man and one women. Three same-sex couples claimed that their rights to free union and equality were violated by Japan’s marriage law. Japan is the only member of the Group of Seven major industrial nations that doesn’t recognize same-sex unions. Group of Seven (G7)is made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union. My question has always been, marriage has always been between a man and a woman. If the world's governments are going to allow other types of relationships, give them a different name. These relationships can be officially recognized and given legal standing without calling them marriages. They are distinctly different in nature. Marriage should be clearly identified as different at it's core. Japan recognizes the role of the marriage in producing children and in being a stabilizing influence on society.

Chloe's Corner: "One"           For more of Chloe's music check out her website,,  or find her on itunes, amazon music, youtube music and most of the major streaming platforms,

Living Theology: Deut 32:4 - God's work is perfect. We may not understand what God is doing, but we can trust the One doing it. His intentions are good, His knowledge is complete, His purposes will be accomplished. Trust Him. Why do we doubt? Our knowledge is incomplete, our strength is limited, our purposes are usually selfish. We see God as a weak, selfish, immature being . . . like us. Having made God in our image - we don't trust Him. We need to know God as He describes Himself, and accept Him as He IS.

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