Wednesday May 24, 2023
#NDMF2023 Random Thoughts on Making Disciples – Part 2
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#NDMF2023 Random Thoughts on Making Disciples – Part 2
6. Don’t count people out or pre-judge who is capable or will respond. Discipleship is not just for the most mature believers.
- Who is around you now that might respond if you asked them about getting together?
7. Are you a disciple worth reproducing?
- Where are you in the basics? Are you intentionally pursuing Jesus? What are your strengths and weaknesses spiritually? Are you asking these kinds of questions?
8. Don’t pre-filter. Train everyone and then coach those who put it into practice.
- Do your best to encourage and equip everyone around you. When people respond by applying Scripture to their lives and pursuing Jesus themselves, be their biggest fan and help coach them as they grow.
9. Every generation has a new great commission.
- Be on mission. Jesus came to this earth with a purpose. He shared that purpose with His disciples and ultimately the church. Be clear about your purpose.
10. Empower, Equip, Release.
- Don’t seek or hold on to power. Give those around you freedom to grow, serve, and use their gifts.
11. Don’t be a savior. Lead people to Jesus.
- People don’t need you, they need Jesus. You can’t fix everyone’s problems. That isn’t your role and shouldn’t be your goal.
12. Keys to disciple making; close proximity, relationship, life together. Know God’s Word, read all of it, and share it together.
- Keep God at the center. Be focused on your own spiritual growth and invite those around you to grow with you.
The life of a disciple isn’t necessarily complicated, but it is often hard. You make choices every day that make following Jesus easier or harder. You make choices every day that draw you closer to people or pull you away.
Be intentional. Put Jesus first. Love those around you. Choose Joy!
And keep running. . .