Wednesday Dec 28, 2022

New Years Resolutions for Your Marriage!

New Years Resolutions to Improve Your Marriage relationship

What? How do we normally view resolutions. How is this different?

What are changes you can make in the next year to improve things?
Recognize an area that could use growth/change

Ideas of growth need areas:
1. communication
2. personal spiritual growth – let this be a connection point; communicate about this.
 Dealing with anxiety, fear, weak areas
 Dealing with sin issues: anger, responding wrongly, bitterness, grudges
3. invest in each other’s spiritual lives
4. time together (quantity, quality)
5. forgiveness

How to?  SMART goals
 S pecific
 M easurable
 A chievable
 R Relevant
 T imeframe

Specific examples. Clear goal you’re shooting for. Specific steps toward reaching the goal.



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