Wednesday Dec 21, 2022

Owned by Our Possessions

Our Possessions Own Us!

We always ask kids at Christmas, “What do you want for Christmas?” We set them up from early on to desire stuff!

We let our stuff define us, weigh us down, hold us back, cause us stress, drive us insane, cause us worry, dissatisfy us (in a quest for more), and divide our attention from what’s really important in life. It’s deceptive!

What place does stuff have in our life?

What affects your view of possessions?
-- Your family background (had money or not)
-- Your friends
-- Your financial situation

What place should it have?

Why do we have Stuff?

Why is it important?

Can’t serve God and money. -- Matthew 6:24
Parable of man who tore down barns to build bigger ones, not knowing he would die that day.
The life consists of more than what a man owns. -- Luke 12:15

Stuff causes fights – 1 Corinthians 6:1, 7 Why not rather suffer wrong? Be defrauded?
Stuff causes greed and covetousness
Stuff causes anxiety – someone might steal; I might lose it. Mt. 6:19-20
Stuff steals our focus. Mt. 6:21 Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
We worry about a lack of stuff in the future. (What will we wear? Eat? Mt. 6:25ff)

Stewardship vs. priority

What’s the reason for having stuff?
When is enough enough?
Why do we compare our stuff with that of others?
What drives us to buy more?
Why do we let stuff become so important to us, when we can’t take any of it with us when we die?

It’s so easy to acquire more things; and it’s so difficult to get rid of things. 
It’s so easy to acquire bad habits/sins; and it’s so difficult to get rid of them and replace with good.

If possessions have a high place in your life, they compete with God for your highest priority. We make decisions based on protecting our things instead of honoring God.

How do we change?

ID right attitude towards things/ possessions. Heart’s desires. Must desire God first.

Give your stuff to God.

Find people who deal well with their stuff/money. Spend time learning from them.

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