Monday May 08, 2023
Prayer, fasting and discipleship
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Prayer, Fasting and Disciple Making - PT. 2
One clear point that struck me as important. In DMM around the world, there is a clear focus on prayer and fasting over leadership and strategy.
Biblical foundations are the goals but churches and groups can use the Bible to justify drastically different methodologies.
This conference focused on Scripture and DM. The churches I have been a part of my whole life also focus on Scripture but seem more concerned with correct teaching than obedience. Not that a call to obedience isn't there, it just isn't support well in the church structure and systems. Heart issues aren't addressed to the extent that truth is taught.
Is that just my experience or would you agree?
We rely more on a better program or event, really focusing on doing it well, instead of really focusing on relying on God to do the work. At least a lack of prayer would seem to indicate our focus.
"Be obedient, good luck, there will be a lesson on the work of the HS as it relates to the justification of the Saints next week. See you then." I am asking if we can do better at supporting a life of obedience without leaving Biblical doctrine behind. I think the answer is yes.
Jesus seems to have spent consistent regular time in prayer. He was marked by it to the point that His disciples, who would have been familiar with prayer in their culture as Jews, asked Jesus to teach them to pray. They saw a difference in His prayers and the prayers of the spiritual leaders in the temple.