Monday Feb 20, 2023
Preparing Your Mind For Church!
Prepare your mind for church
Church = a diverse group of people at various stages along the way in their spiritual journey toward Christ-likeness.
We often have different ideas about what it means to get together with the church. Some of us just want to sing and lift our voice in praise. Others are hurting and just want God’s comfort. Some come just for the time to talk to other believers and share how God is working in their lives. There are as many reasons and ways to show up as there are people in the building!
You want to show up to fellowship with your church and focus your heart and mind on Christ as you worship Him. In reality, if you are a mature disciple of Jesus, committed to His church and the mission take the Gospel to all people, your church gathering is a time to use your gifts to encourage, build up and support your church family.
Worship? Absolutely! By humbly submitting ourselves to serving the people that Jesus died to save.
Worship? Absolutely? By submitting our needs to God and turning our thoughts to helping others who are wandering, hurting and needing a friend.
Our worship is not hindered by others but magnified as we have the opportunity to live out the truth we believe and practice the unity that the Holy Spirit gives.
Good questions to ask about your church family
1. Who are these people? Background, education, skills, struggles, family life, work and hobbies
How well do you know them?
2. Where are these people on the journey? Spiritual maturity, awareness and use of spiritual gifts, how well do they serve each other? How do they connect with the surrounding community and love their neighbors?
3. Is the church on Mission? How aware are they of the call to be and make disciples? Are most people involved in disciple making ministry? Is the church unified around Jesus and what He is doing to reconcile man with God? Is there an outward focus?
4. What is your role in this church? What are your spiritual gifts? How can you use them to build up this group of believers as they carry out the Great Commission? Who can you serve?
If you ask and answer these kinds of questions, you can now pray specifically about your unique fellowship with your church. You are called and equipped to serve HERE with these people. Pray about the details! Focus and what you can do to live out the life of Christ in this fellowship.