Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Do You Have Goals For Your Family?
Do You Have Goals For Your Family?
What are your goals for your family?
What kind of family do you want to have?
What are your family priorities? Do your spouse and children know them?
What place does God have in your family? What place should He have?
What will it take to be that family? What is your role?
For your children?
What do you want for your children?
Do you have spiritual goals for them?
How are you preparing them for independence?
What relationship do want to have with your children when they are adults? What will it take to get there?
How are you passing your values on to your children? Hint: Be intentional!
For your marriage?
What kind of marriage do you want to have?
What changes do you need to make to be the person who you seen in that ideal relationship?
How can you help your spouse be the person they were meant to be?
Have you communicated any of this to your spouse? Why not?
For yourself?
What kind of parent do you want to be?
What kind of spouse?
What will it take to be that person?