Friday Nov 04, 2022
Roles of a Disciple Maker
For resources we recommend on making disciples, check out the resources page of our website, www.runwithhorses.net
Roles of a Disciple Maker
Each role emphases a different aspect of making disciples.
Teacher – facts, transmit information, can do in a group of most any size.
Coach – includes evaluation as well as practical instruction, application of truth
Mentor – most often seen in an more mature disciple sharing their experience and lessons learned through practice.
Counselor – helping work through problems or issues that hinder spiritual growth.
Advisor – walking through potential decisions coming up, brainstorming, working through options
Model – Live out biblical principles with them. Explaining the WHY as well as modeling the WHAT.
Librarian - resource person, sharing books, websites, even contacts with the goal of helping people grow
Cheerleader – encouragement and motivation
Co-worker – serve together, come alongside
Tools of a Disciple Maker
Prayer – pray with and for others
Questions – using quesitons to guide the person you are discipling to understand the truth you study in scripture makes it sink in more than telling them the answer.
Listening – really pay attention to what is being said as well as how it is said.
Truth - Bible knowledge
Your Example - Model
Experience – share what you have learned, through successes and failures. Remind yourself and others of God’s faithfulness.
Encouragement - It's ok, try again.
Motivation - You can do it.
Time Together – more than training and ministry, just being, life together is important and provides the context for disciple making.
The Church Family!