Monday Jul 17, 2023
Should Single Men go as Missionaries? - Ep. 224
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Today on Run With Horses, we look at a question from a listener, the topic? Single missionaries!
THE QUESTION: Is it generally ill-advised for single men to go as missionaries to another country? My logic behind this is that I have seen married couples and families being missionaries abroad, as well as single women, but the only single men I know serving as missionaries abroad are/were engaged when serving. I know single men CAN serve as missionaries abroad, but is it appropriate (SHOULD they?)? I have always assumed that single male missionaries are practically non-existent because the sexual temptations could be too dangerous to risk sending a single guy.
Excellent question! To start this article has some good thoughts from a single male missionary.
There are a lot of ways to look at this and I am sure my take is not unique or even the best. But here are some thoughts. Short answer, Yes, they should!
Now for the long answer.
First, God calls all of us to be disciple makers. That means pursuing God first in all areas of life. Anyone considering missions should be an active, growing follower of Jesus. I would really want that person to be involved in a community of believers and have multiple relationships where ongoing accountability is normal.
Second, Anyone sensing God’s leading in their lives towards ministry of any kind should be talking to their pastor and the spiritual leaders in their life to get advice and direction. Since I believer God has called all of us to ministry, using our gifts for the building up of the church and serving as ambassadors to the world, This step should include every believer!
Third, I believe everyone pursuing ministry would do well to seek out a mentor, or multiple mentors to help them navigate some of the pathways available to them as they train and prepare for the future. One such mentor that might be a challenge to find but who would be valuable for the young man looking at going to the mission field as a single, would be an older single missionary. Statistically single men are much less common than single men on the mission field.
Let’s pause in our thoughts on preparing and going as a single man to address the WHY are they so uncommon?
No easy answer that I can find! Lot’s of people have asked the question though. Here is an example article by Brooks Buser.
One quote from the article. “Two-thirds of missionaries are married couples, the other third are single women, the rest are single men.”
Single men aren’t going to the mission field, single women are. Buser mentions pornography, student debt and getting married as three common reasons. I have seen all three of those keep people from ministry. But I wonder if a bigger issue is not that we aren’t preparing our young men to follow Jesus. The world calls them to make money, have fun, look for adventure and change the world. I fear that too often the church doesn’t call them at all. If too few of us are answering the call to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus, too few of us are influencing the next generation.
The adventure and changing the world rhetoric of the world can’t hold up to the life changing message of Jesus. Talk about a life of value! The mission of reconciliation is an eternal mission that surpasses all else in scope and impact. It is also fun, and filled with adventure but that’s not the point.
Why are single men not on the mission field? They aren’t in our churches. They aren’t in our small groups. They aren’t being challenged to give their lives for the greatest mission ever undertaken. If more men are actively engaged in disciple making, I believe the process of spiritual growth would lead more of them to consider missions.
Back to getting ready to go as a single missionary.
Fourth, A single missionary, male or female, should plan to be intentional about pursuing healthy relationships before leaving and after arriving on the field. Ideally, all single missionaries would be part of a multi-member local team. Two or three families working together with a single or two would provide support and help along the way.
Fifth, whether in person or online, a single missionary, as well as married missionaries!, should have people who know them and are part of an accountability and support team.
Single missionaries are a valuable part of the missions community and have a lot to give to the work. There are certainly dangers, but that is true for us all. Intentional pursuit of righteousness and a firm connection with the church family go along way to keep all of us on track. Add in a healthy dose of humility and a solid spiritual foundation to keep the focus in the right place.
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