Friday Mar 10, 2023
Spiritual Leadership Might Not Be What You Think It Is!
Jesus and parables : Man who found treasure in a field , reburied it , IN HIS JOY sold all that he had, and then bought the field. Which one is most meaningful to you? Why? Let me know at talk@runwithhorses.net Is it possible you could have a chance to share it with someone this week?
Spiritual leadership is not what you think it is!
What do you think of when someone says, “leadership” or “leader”?
Where does that c ome from? Maybe the business world? Military? Sports?
Characteristics of a worldly leader – commanding presence, big personality, has the answers, limits their focus to the big picture and important work, is out front, seen in action by others, the face of the organization.
How does that image compare with the life of Jesus, He was definitely a leader!
Where traditional leaders are expected to lead from a position of strength, Jesus lead from a position of truth, cushioned with grace and humility. Don’t mistake that for weakness!
He always did the right thing at the right time in the right way. He looked for where the Father was working and joined Him there. He lead with a heart of compassion that never avoided the difficult conversations because they were uncomfortable.
Biblical spiritual leadership is important! And it is missing from many of our homes, churches and communities.
A spiritual leader is a beacon of light in any environment, bringing God into every situation. All of life has a spiritual component, even if many refuse to acknowledge it.
God gives us all a degree of spiritual influence that we should intentionally use in the mission of Christ on earth. That is the purpose of the church and ultimately our lives. Using our influence to lead people towards reconciliation with God is the way that we glorify Him. Our gifts serve the purpose of building up His church so that it can accomplish this great task. The Holy Spirit works in us towards maturity so that we will not remain infants but mature in the Word and our ability to apply it to our own life and lead others to understand and apply it to their lives. This is spiritual leadership. This is the life of every follower of Jesus. This is what it means to be a disciple maker.
How to?
Bring the attitude of Jesus into every relationship. Mercy, grace, and humility mark the life of a Biblical leader.
Keep the main thing the main thing. We can easily get distracted by arguments that lead nowhere. Learn to lean on the spirit and recognize where God is working. Love others first. Be quick to repent and confess your own mistakes. Go the extra mile to put others first. Serving others is the path to influence in their lives and will open doors for the big conversations.
Don’t be afraid to lose face or to fail. Ultimately God wins! Live like you believe that.
If you have biblical priorities and your life and conversations reflect that, you will have a chance to speak to those around you because of the difference in your life and theirs. Be ready to give an answer. (NOTE: The questions only come if you actually live different than those around you!)
Where do you have spiritual influence? How are you using it now? How can you use it better?
There is value and meaning in every relationship that God gives you. Be a spiritual leader in every area of life and give God the glory.