Monday May 01, 2023
The Untouchables. . .Who are they in your life?
The Untouchables. . .Who are they in your life?
Everyone sins. Sorry if this is news to you, but it's true. What is sin you ask? Sin is defined as missing the mark.
From Merriam-Webster sin is an offense against religious or moral law or an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible. Good old Merriam-Webster let us down on this one!
A more Biblical definition would agree with th at definition and add that sin is a missing of a standard, mark, or goal; or the breach of a relationship, rebellion.
Dart board - bullseye is not sin, everything else is. Sin is not always bad stuff!
For example?
But that isn't our topic today! Today I want to think about our attitude toward sin. Particularly someone else's sin.
If people struggle with a sin you don't, how do you view them?
Do you look down on people who sin in a way you don't think you would?
What kind of person do you look at and want to run the other way? Ignore, look down on, judge, criticize, shun, attack even.
What are the sins you find especially reprehensible? The ones you don't think you would ever do? Do you believe those sins are somehow worse than your own?
Is there ever a person we should intentionally stay away from?
The idea that sometimes we are so against a particular sin (lifestyle) that we forget that this is not their biggest problem. What IS their biggest problem?
Jesus' interactions with "untouchables"
-- Samaritan woman
-- Woman who wiped Jesus' feet with her hair. "If you knew what kind of woman this is..."
-- Zaccheus
-- Matthew, the tax collector
-- Lepers -- the unclean
-- Woman caught in adultery Jn. 8
Behavior versus Heart issues (similar with child rearing. You shouldn't merely address the behavior, but the motives behind it, the heart sin.)
What was Jesus' attitude toward these? He was kind, truthful about sin, but compassionate. He calls ALL to come to Him. Did Jesus die only for good people?
How do you develop and maintain Jesus' view? That is the hard part! To see people as God does!
How do you develop and maintain relationships with the untouchables? What does that mean? What does it look like? What doesn't it look like?
Why is it important?
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