Saturday Jan 27, 2024

Uniquely Designed








Today we go back to thinking about how we can be intentional about making spiritual progress in our life. How can we be Intentional and consistent?


Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. There are lots of moving parts to the journey but our foundation is built on the solid Rock. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep making steps forward on your spiritual journey.


Two weeks ago we looked at priorities and answering the big questions of life.

What will you prioritize and pursue in your life? Maybe the question should have been who will you prioritize in your life!

Relationship With God

Relationship With Spouse

Relationship With Children

Relationship with the Church Family

Relationship with the Unbeliever


We moved on to think about how God uniquely made you. What are your gifts and how are they used in the great work that God is doing in the world?

Another issue is developing the character of Jesus in your life.


And finally, once again, the importance of consistent time in God’s word to know Him and His mission in the world, time in prayer, contemplating God’s work in your life and through your life and then time with God’s family, using your gifts to build up and encourage others along the way.


That gets us reviewed and ready for today’s topic.


You want to develop a life plan and you start with the Truth presented in the Bible but you have to live it out in the context of your gifts and situation in life. Where do you start?


What roles has God given you? Make a list because for most of us there are a few of them! Husband, Father, Neighbor, Brother, Son, Employee, Friend


Want to really get some mileage out of this exercise? Write a Job Description for each Role God has given you.


What does this role demand from you? How do you do it in light of eternity? What are the requirements for doing this role well? How would you know if you were doing it well? What would a performance evaluation for this job include on the questionnaire?


You could stop here and really go a long way toward figuring out how to live a life of purpose and intentionality in line with God’s mission. But wait, there’s more!



Let’s dig a little deeper.

What is your Identity? Who are you?

This is a good time to review your identity in Christ but also time to consider HOW God has made you. What are your gifts and abilities? Interests and Skills?

Make a list that includes all of these, are at least many of them. Saint, Ambassador for Christ, Missionary, Artist, Podcaster, Musician, Writer


Answering these questions will help you figure out HOW YOU are to live out the roles that God has given you. God given roles are also God prepared roles. You are Hid workmanship and He has prepared the Good Works for you to do. You are created uniquely and gifted to carry out your role in the church and in life in a special way. Don’t apologize for your unique bent, embrace it and use it for god’s glory!


OK, Let’ s use all of this information that you have generated to help us figure out what to do.


Blue Sky – no bad ideas at this point, put everything down and evaluate latter. Time to put the critical thinker on a break.

Start with ideas. Brainstorming how to practically live out the life God has for you.


The goal here is to consider all the ways that God could use your talents and abilities in the roles that He has given you. Think outside the box. There is no box for this activity!



+Brainstorm word associations

+Pray constantly, Trust God to work out the details and Live Today, you aren’t promised tomorrow.

+Ask for advice from mature believers

+Try new things, Don’t be afraid to fail.

+Keep the focus on following Jesus. Keep asking yourself the question, what would it look like if I really intended to Do what Jesus said?


Thanks for joining me again today! What is God doing in your life now? How are you focusing on abiding in Christ in the midst of a busy schedule? I’d love to hear from you, write me at or leave a comment on the Run With Horses Podcast facebook page. Take time today to pause and thank God for His work in your life and keep running.

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