Monday Jul 24, 2023
What is your Life Worth? -Ep.227
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Today on Run With Horses, we consider the value of a life. You are trading your time for something, is I worth it?
My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Run Your Race Well, not just Surviving but Thriving as a Disciple of Jesus! There are a LOT of things you could do with your life, but I don’t think anything compares with following Jesus and joining Him on His mission of bringing Hope to the nations.
Thanks for including me in your journey!
Hey I have a question for you! What is the one thing that has encouraged you the most as you follow Jesus and grow as a disciple maker? I really want to know, please send me an email at norman@runwithhorses.net with your answer. I hope to do a show using some of your responses in the future so get in touch and let me know what has been an encouragement to you along the way. I know we all need it and it comes in many forms and through many people. What or who has encouraged you?
I have had a busy few weeks, months actually, with big changes in where I am, what I am doing and how I am able to spend my time. As I think through my options and consider how God is working in me, I have been considering the question, What is worth spending a life on?
Many options: career, family, pursuit of leisure activities, to become skilled at something, fame, etc. Certainly the world gives you lots of ideas to pursue!
In some ways the actual value of your life is the sum of all the activities that make up your life. What are you doing with the time you have? Have you ever wondered if it is worth it?
All the time, some people say, and yet they aren’t willing to do anything different to change things.
Here is my real question and challenge for the day. What is 1 thing worth giving the next 5 years of your life to accomplish? Your whole life is too big too think about. You change over time as your experiences influence you. But you do need to plan out a course of action that will give you direction in the neat future. You do have a plan for your future don’t you? ; )
For those who are lost already, here is my summary of life planning.
You need to see the big picture. You and Eternity. This life definitely has meaning both in the here and now and in eternity. Your choices matter. Big picture – where are you headed? What gives your life meaning and purpose? God needs to be front and center here and you want your life to be attached to what He has said is important.
Once you have the BIG Picture clear in your mind, you can begin to consider your direction in life. You have a standard to refer to along the way and to guide you as you make decisions. Are my choices leading me closer to the goal or further away? Are my choices consistent with what I say I believe or do they call me a liar?
Consistent choices lead you somewhere over time. Hopefully nearer to the heart of God!
With that BIG Picture as the context. I want to repeat my question from earlier.
What is 1 thing worth giving the next 5 years of your life to accomplish?
What is a here and now, this life challenge that is worth the time and effort it will take to see the needle move? Maybe it makes more sense to ask it this way. If you were serious about following Jesus daily for the next 5 years what would you do?
What choices would you make differently than you do now? How would you evaluate your progress? Success?
Who would you want with you on the journey?
I think too often we spend all our time focusing on the details of today without stepping back to consider the BIG Picture of what God wants to do in and through us. We fail to make the changes that would move us closer to Him and keep us on His pathway. Ministry becomes an afterthought it we think about it at all. Service is for others, we are too busy.
What would it take to change that for you?
Is it your desire to follow Jesus with your heart, soul, mind and strength? What is keeping you from it?
Do the people you talk to day after day motivate you to love God more and serve people more or are they helping you stay distracted and focused on your own plans and desires?
In light of eternity, in light of the call of Jesus for you to take up your cross and follow Him, What is ONE thing that is worth giving the next 5 years to accomplish? What moves you closer to Him and His mission of reconciliation?
Jesus has called you. Your life is the answer. What does it say?
Thanks for joining me today! Check out runwithhorses.net for show notes and past shows. Write me at norman@runwithhorses.net if you have comments or questions. Join our facebook community and tell a friend if you have found this show helpful! Keep Running!