Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Where are you going?
23_03_02_wed show notes
What are you aiming for?
As a Christian we are on a journey. Do you know where you are going? Who is leading the way?How do you determine what to do? Who are you becoming?
Direction, aim, purpose, goal – Everyone in world talk about this – meaning to life, goals, etc.
It’s valuable to think about who you’re becoming. You make choices, and your understanding of your goal or purpose affects your decisions. If you don’t have a goal, your choices will be random. If you have a clear understanding of why you’re here, you can make decisions easier. It gives you a reason how to evaluate this choice over that one. Are you moving closer to your aim or not? Choices are related to your purpose. Does this choice move me closer to my goal or farther away?
How to?
1. What does the Bible say?
Clear goal of becoming like Jesus. Master and disciple. What kind of person to become.
Who to BE – character traits – patience, kindness, love
-- You could take the Bible out of context, use it to justify what you want to do, make a lesser issue into a major one and lose sight of what’s really important.
2. How did God make you?
God has given you concrete gifts – Musical? Not? If not, you won’t be an effective singer! This helps determine how your purpose is played out. Still should be humble, patient, etc., but your path is different.
-- Understanding this can help you not to compare yourself with others (I’m better; I’m worse.)
3. The church family – around you. You don’t exist in a vacuum. God gave you abilities, your church family has needs. Depending on who you’re around affects your understanding of your purpose. Practical application of what God has given you, to meet needs around you.
-- Depending on your church, you may be called to help in a totally different way than if you attended a different church with different needs or ministries or members. (lots of foreigners? Elderly? Children? Special needs?)
-- Norman didn’t let kids go to Japanese preschool, saw bigger picture. Won’t help us in our parenting endeavor.
-- Random choices can lead you into a corner… feel lost. Have no way to evaluate what’s good, better, or best.