Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Where are you Now? Part 1 -Ep.275
Today I go through Seven area of life that are worth evaluating on a regular basis if you are serious about consistent spiritual growth.
Welcome to Run With Horses. My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Thrive as a follower of Jesus. We all need to spend some time prayerfully considering how we are doing at following Jesus. We all struggle and we all fail. But we can also all keep getting up and keep relying on God to lead us and finish His work of sanctification. God does His part, are you willing to do your part?
I don’t know about you but I am often a little overwhelmed by the great need for change that I see in my own life. It seems that I take a few baby steps only to find myself right back where I started!
The great news is that God’s work in our lives doesn’t depend on us and our ability to be obedient or successful in any way. He is more than capable of working in and through our mistakes to make us what He intends.
Having said that, we should want to grow and be pursuing Jesus with all of our energy. This is the challenge of Paul to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:15 - Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all.
So what are some area to be evaluating?
Prayer Life
Learning to rely on God in everything! We are so quick to try our own way.
Bible Time
God’s Word is the foundation. How do you know Him? How do you learn how to live? How is your world-view shaped?
We are invited to be on mission with Jesus. The ministry of reconciliation is worth the effort. 15:1 to over 100:1 – let’s change the conversation!
Take a minute to think through your life. Grab a piece of paper and make some notes on where you are and how you could do better. Invite a friend to meet and discuss the details of what it means to be pursuing God in these areas. We have a short break and then I will be back with the second part of our personal spiritual life evaluation!
Did you have any brainstorms as you think through your spiritual life? Is it more involved than you thought or maybe a little more approachable when you break it into the different components?
Discipleship of Believers
Living out the “one another’s” of the NT.
Using your gifts. You do know what your gifts are don’t you? Spending real quality time with your church family.
The goal is to help, encourage and walk beside others as they pursue Jesus.
Time Management
Daily, Weekly, Yearly, Your whole life!
Do you need a schedule? A priority list? How are you doing in putting the most important things into your life?
Your body is the temple of the living God! Do you treat it like that? This is basically a stewardship issue. You were given a certain level of health and physical potential to use in God’s service. How have you taken care of it and used it?
Personal Spiritual Growth
What else do you do that contributes to your spiritual life? Church family involvement, humble service to others, practicing the spiritual disciplines?
What do you do and what could you do better?
Remember the desire is to pursue godliness, righteousness and holiness. What would make that easier in your life? How can you include others in the journey?
Thanks for Joining me today! If you have questions or comment about todays show, email me at or look up the Run With Horses podcast facebook page.