Monday Aug 15, 2022
Who do You Trust?
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Quote of the Day: Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. - Albert Einstein
The little things matter! To be trustworthy is to pay attention to the details and follow through so other people can rely on you.
Culture and News: About three-in-four Americans (79%) think that a lack of trust is a big problem today.
Accessed Aug. 12, 2022 - https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2019/07/22/the-state-of-personal-trust/
Why is this such an issue?
Trust is important to us. I want to know that I am safe with you, can I share my true self.
Trust is lacking when I don’t believe you are going to do what you say, or that you have goals or purposes that might hurt me.
The distance between people today is greater than in the past even though we have greater technology and the ability to connect in unprecedented ways, we know each other less well and trust each other even less.
Less time together, no neutral ground to work out relationships details.
Living Theology:
Trust is defined as assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
Like so many things in life, our ability to trust God is closely tied to our understanding of Who God is. Do you see God as kind, loving, working to make you complete and whole? Is God powerful, sovereign and ever vigilant?
Or do you see God as a slightly bigger version of yourself? Distracted, selfish and out to achieve his own purposes with not thought to others?
It is hard to trust a God made in our own image!
The key, like so many times,is to know God well. Spend time in His Word and get to know Him as He reveals Himself. What does He promise? Does He keep His promises?
When you see Him as He is, you see that He is not like us and that He keeps His promises, He has your best interest at heart and to genuinely know Him is to trust Him.
So get to know Him!