Friday Jan 27, 2023
Why Do We Resist Change?
Why Do We Resist Change?
Change is scary for most people. “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me” carries the implied need for change. You have to make different choices. Denying yourself in anything is a big change for most of us. Choosing to serve in any way is another change. Following Jesus is giving the reigns of your life to someone else is a life of constant change. There are some good reasons why we make it more difficult than it has to be though. If you want to grow, to become the person God intends for you to be, you need to change. Here are some things to be aware of as you pursue the change that God is working in your life.
1. Too much too soon.
It is easy to see our failures and jump in to change everything at once. That usually doesn’t work.
It helps to prioritize the needs you see in your life and attack one at a time. At least commit to one and develop new routines or habits in one area before adding too many others. Don’t make it harder on yourself than you need to!
2. Not connecting related problems or not attacking the root issue.
If we make a change in an area that is influenced heavily by other decisions we make, we may find ourselves fighting a loosing battle to change something that is an uphill battle.
IE. trying to address your financial problems without addressing your spending habits.
3. All people tend to seek out the easy route naturally. That is usually the way we are familiar with already, no change or learning required.
You already know how to do things one way. Change means learning a new way and developing a new way of looking at life and responding to difficulties. Everyone prefers level ground, no one wants to run uphill. But the view is better from there!
4. Not sure why we need to change. If you don’t understand the goal clearly, or believe in it, you may find yourself lacking motivation when faced with a difficult change.
Why is this change important for you? If you can’t answer that you will struggle to make the change. Spend time thinking through and examining your life, identify meaningful change areas and make sure you understand why it is necessary before you begin.
5. Not having SMART goals.
Specific. Measurable. Actionable. Realistic. Time-specific.
Vague thoughts about doing better don’t usually work.
6. We often give up to soon. Deep, meaningful life change takes time and effort.
Anything worth doing will take time and effort. Don’t give up just because you don’t see results overnight. If you have thought through your WHY, stick with it when times get tough. There is a reason you are going through the trial.
7. We often try to change other people. That isn’t in your control.
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone did the right thing all the time? Sorry, we don't live in that world yet. Encourage people to change, help them when they will let you, but don’t let others inability to change keep you from being the person God intends for you to be!