Monday Nov 14, 2022
Why I don’t make Disciples. . . Excuses, Excuses!
Looking for questions and topics for future shows! Calling for requests and suggestions! Write us at talk@runwithhorses.net or the Run With Horses Podcast Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/RWHpodcast
If what we are doing is helpful to you, we want to know about it. Our goal is to encourage and equip you to be more like Jesus as you walk through the journey of life. We are in this together. Let’s encourage each other. If there is someone you believe would benefit from the things we talk about, let them know how to find us. Www.runwithhorses.net is the best place for information and links to all previous shows. Thanks for your prayers and support!
Why I don't disciple... Excuses.
1) No Time - Too Busy
2) Don't Know How
3) Don't know who
4) Don't have good materials.
5) It's the pastor's Job.
6) Not my role
7) I need to grow more first.
8) It's not important
9) My church has a class
10) Don't know where to start
11) I was never discipled /No experience
12) Tried before & failed
13) Can't find someone who will
14) Not my spiritual gift
15) I don't want to!
16) Too hard, too messy.