Monday Dec 12, 2022
Why Should I Be Good?
December and January is Travel Time for the Smith Family. Back to Japan. Bear with us!
Send questions and ideas for shows we can do in the next few weeks, will help a lot. Tell a friend about Run With Horses, we want to be an encouragement to you and to everyone who is serious about following Jesus.
What is Goodness?
“Goodness is virtue and holiness in action. It results in a life characterized by deeds motivated by righteousness and a desire to be a blessing. It’s a moral characteristic of a Spirit-filled person. The Greek word translated “goodness,” is defined as "uprightness of heart and life." It is goodness for the benefit of others, not goodness simply for the sake of being virtuous.” (accessed Dec.9,2022 - https://www.gotquestions.org/fruit-Holy-Spirit-goodness.html)
Mark 10:18 – No one is good except God alone.
Are you good? Not a chance! But as a Christ-follower you can be a good in the life of someone else as the Spirit of God works in you, You bear spiritual fruit that is not of your own making.
Doing the right thing because it is the right thing. Because it helps someone else.
Why is it important?
The world is looking at you! Friends, Family, co-workers, strangers.
One of the things that gives us an opportunity to share Jesus with others is our actions and attitudes. We should want Goodness to mark them clearly.
The testimony of the church at large is influenced by our actions, attitudes and words. Goodness should mark the life of every believer. Titus 2:6-8 “ ...encourage the young men to be self-controlled... set them an example by doing what is good... In your teaching show integrity, ... and soundness of speech ... so that those who oppose you ... have nothing bad to say about us.”
Intentionally considering our actions and desiring that they be good is part of our fight against selfishness. We are self-centered at our core. Goodness is contrary to that self-centered attitude.
It is part of a life of obedience in following Jesus. Gal. 6:10 – Do good to all men, especially those of the household of faith.
God meets the needs of the church family as we practice acts of goodness in community.
As your spiritual fruit is expressed in acts of Goodness that benefit others, your service results in joy in your life that can be found in no other way.
How do we live it out?
Start with prayer. Ask God to give you spiritual strength and the courage to fight against the natural selfishness and desire to protect yourself. Our natural desire is to take care of ourselves. Goodness takes care of others.
Fill your mind and heart with the promises and words of God. Recognizing His hand at work in you and around you can give you the confidence in Him to trust Him to take care of you, freeing you to take care of others. Particularly consider how God sees people. Do you have the compassion that Jesus expressed? How do we do Good to those Jesus loves?
Make it a point to spend time each week with people who love Jesus. The church is really important to Him if you haven’t noticed. How can you do Good to them?
Spend time with people who are not like you. It really stretches you to see how others live and think about life. There is no context in which you cannot find Good to do. Look for it. Surrender to it.
In the end, Goodness is the overflow of a heart that is changed by God. You can’t just choose to be Good. You can surrender your life to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to control your mind, heart and actions resulting in the Goodness of God flowing through you and blessing those around you.
It’s not easy to follow Jesus. But then, He never said that it would be!