Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
You CAN Lead A Bible Study
You CAN Lead A Bible Study - A small group of people studying and learning together provide encouragement and accountability.
How to?
Pray. Specifically for yourself – humble, teachable, Spirit’s leading you, motives.
Pray for wisdom for who to invite, what mix of people.
Pray for the timing of when to start.
Pray for the first passages you’ll study. (https://www.dbsguide.org/ for a guide and some recommended passages)
Ask your church family, Christian friends to pray for you as you prepare.
Pray about the length of time for this initial study. Goal is 6 months to a year.
Pray about other leaders who will grasp the vision of every church member being a disciple-maker and leading Bible studies.
Pick a date to begin. Invite friend(s). Determine the location. Determine how often you’ll meet. Weekly or biweekly is best. Pick an easy spot to use based on who will be part of the study.
If you’re more of an introvert, you’ll have different issues to deal with than if you’re an extrovert.
(here is an overview of the DiSC profiles; https://www.discprofile.com/what-is-disc/disc-styles). Know yourself, your tendencies, and the value of engaging each person directly with God’s Word themselves.
Discovery Bible study gathering format
I. Welcome and Introductions – How are you and how was your week?
Use questions like these to build relationship and get to know each other:
• What are you thankful for this week?
• What are you concerned or worried about?
• Who needs our help? How do we help them?
II. Review Last Meeting
• Have someone retell the lesson from the previous meeting.
• What did you do differently because of this lesson?
• Who did you tell and how did they respond?
III. Read & Re-tell the new passage
• Have one person reads the Bible passage out loud.
• Have someone else retell the passage by memory. Once they finish or get stuck others can help fill in the details.
IV.. Look and Understand – What is God telling us here?
• Read the passage again.
• Discuss what this passage says about God, Jesus, or His work in the world.
V. Look again and dig deeper.
• Read the passage once more.
• Discuss what this passage says about or to humans.
VI. Respond
• According to this passage, what am I doing right?
• What do I need to change?
VII. Who can I share this with?
• Who else needs to hear this lesson?
• How and when can I tell them?
• Who can I invite to study the Bible?
A similar format along with recommended first Bible passages to start with can be found here:
Discovery Bible Study Guide - https://www.dbsguide.org/
You can do it!