Run With Horses

The Run With Horses podcast strives to help disciples of Jesus reach their full potential. Join us for practical advice to help overcome spiritual roadblocks and find the motivation you need to persist through life’s trials.

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An Interview with Chloe

Friday Aug 04, 2023

Friday Aug 04, 2023

Today I interview my daughter, Chloe and we learn what she is up to this summer and her plans for the coming months. You can find her music at

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023

Today on Run With Horses, Susan shares a little about her CNA training and a few lessons we can apply to the spiritual life.
Welcome to Run With Horses, My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Thrive as a Follower of Jesus. I don't believe that there is anything more thrilling or fulfilling than joining Jesus on His mission to the world. Thanks for including me in your
Yesterday I was talking to Susan about her CNA training as we took our evening walk and we came up with some areas that overlap with the goal of being a disciple of Jesus in community with others.
She mentioned that they are learning skills that they need to be able to apply to get their certification as a CNA and you use dummies and practice with each other to learn the details of what to do in class, but then you don't always think about it when you show up at the nursing home. The nurses have to remind you, hey, you actually need to do this stuff you learned in class here. The different context throws you off somehow, you know the skill but don't have it connected to a practical situation yet.
So, there's a simile between learning a skill and practicing it in a certain context versus being able to use it in real life, under real circumstances.
Being in this CNA class, I'm learning educational stuff like knowledge of this is what we do, this is why we do it, and then we get a chance to actually practice it in the classroom, on each other, feeding each other, doing certain skills, and trying to remember all the steps.
But then when we go to clinicals, and we actually are in a nursing home, I've found that all my training just kind of goes out the window because that's not how they do it in real life. Or I'm not used to that setting so then I kind of forget. And after we come together and we have sort of a debriefing, I realize oh I'm still supposed to do those same steps in the real world as I've learned in my class. Just trying to figure out what that's like. And I kind of see that as a similarity between the Christian walk and being a disciple.
I mean because there's a lot of things we learn from the Bible -- truths, doctrines, what you're supposed to do, what you're supposed to look like -- and you can practice some of those things or watch other people do it and learn all these kinds of skills. But then in real life when you're in a situation, a lot of those things get left in the dust. You don't even think about how that training and how those truths are supposed to relate now here in this context
We have small groups or a discipleship relationship with other people to fill in the gaps between understanding theory and application. These relationships give a context where you can discuss these things in a low pressure environment.
Part of the purpose is debriefing. "Hey, I was in this situation and I totally didn't think about God. How can I bring God into my thinking, into my practice, in everyday life?"
It's like that as we grow spiritually. We learn the theory in sermons, books and reading the Bible, but small groups really help us to make it concrete. We learn that we need to live out those things and we get our questions answered. We have other people who are walking along doing it too.
Thanks for joining us today! Write us at for questions or comments we can read on the show. Life is an adventure of faith and following Jesus. It is a marathon not a sprint, so keep running!

Monday Jul 31, 2023

Today on run with horses we're considering why you should invest in other people.We have spent some time in the past few shows thinking about our priorities and how we spend our lives.There are lots of things you can invest in but I don't think there's anything that will give you the return of investment that you will get when you invest in people. You can invest in the stock market ,you can invest in your career ,you can invest in your hobbies, you can invest in yourself, but when you invest in other people you change lives and you make a difference for eternity. There is nothing that compares to investing in someone else's life and seeing real life change take place.Do you want to live a life of value and purpose that makes a difference here and now and an eternity? Then I suggest you look at the people around you and consider how you can use your gifts, talents, and abilities to help them grow in Christ likeness. It will be life changing not only for them but also for you. I believe that there is very little that changes you as much as investing in someone else. You are forced to get outside of your own head, to stop thinking about your own problems, and you really have to consider where someone else is and what they need more than yourself. When you do that you change at a very deep personal level.Our goal is to walk worthy of Christ.1 Thess 2: 11 as you know how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you, as a father does his own children, 12 that you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.In the past few shows we've spent some time thinking about our priorities and how we spend our lives. But as we think about how we spend our lives, I don't think there's anything more valuable or important than investing in other people.When you think about what will give you meaning at the end of your life, when you consider your priorities as a follower of Jesus, when you think about your values, if you are a follower of Jesus, I think they will best be represented by really encouraging and investing in other people.So what does it mean to invest in other people? Go back to 1 Thess. 2, I think this is part of it. Paul is writing to the Thessalonian church, and he says that he did several things. We exhorted you, we comforted you, and we charged every one of you as a father does his own children.So he's doing three things. He  encouraged and comforted and challenged them to follow Christ well, to walk worthy. And along the way that they would put effort in to following Jesus. Not just "hey do well," try your best," or "be encouraged" - but he challenged them for something very specific: That they would walk worthy of God. That they would recognize that God has called them; He's called them to something great; He challenges them to actually apply real effort into following Jesus.God has called YOU into His Kingdom! He has blessed YOU with every spiritual blessing! He is relating to YOU as a Father relates to His children! He invites YOU take part in HIS ministry!Let us now walk worthy of THAT!He goes on later in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 11 and says: "Therefore comfort each other and edify one another just as you are also doing." So he again repeats the idea that we need to be comforting each other, but he's also saying edify, build each other up. You want to invest in each other so that all reach maturity, so that you're all built up, so that in the future you're all stronger than you are today. That's part of his vision for the people he's working with - that they grow, they mature, and that they become more like Jesus.The writer of Hebrews has some similar things to say in Hebrews chapter 3 verse 12 and 13: "Beware lest there be in any of you with an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God." So be careful that you don't get pulled away by your own desires; by unbelief; by the distraction of the world and all those things. But instead of being pulled away - and to make sure that YOU'RE not pulled away - exhort one another daily! Every day look for opportunities to encourage and challenge and exhort and build up and edify one another. It says: "While it is called 'Today,' lest any of YOU be hardened through deceitfulness."We live in a world where our life really pulls us away from God. And one reason why it's worth investing in each other; really being involved in each others' lives is because it helps us walk this path better; follow Jesus better; more consistently.We all have distractions! We all have days when we're going to do poorly! But if we are exhorting one another...walking together...encouraging EACH OTHER...if we're living this life together IN COMMUNITY then it's easier for us continue on without being distracted or pulled away!Proverbs 27:17 is a very familiar passage which says: "As iron sharpens iron, so iron sharpens the countenance of his friend." And it speaks to the idea that we serve a valuable role in each others' lives. We help each other be better because we invest; because we contribute; because we intentionally put in the effort to build up, to sharpen each other. That's what biblical friends do.Think about an axe: When it's sharp, it works better! If we're investing in someone else's life, then WE'RE helping THEM be better! And that's really our goal as disciples and disciple makers!I would say it's really important that we invest in others because the result of not investing in others is often selfishness. You know, if you don't invest and think about usually means you're primarily thinking about yourself.You only have a couple options: You are working towards something - contributing effort and time and energy - either for yourself or for someone else. The life I think is well lived is a life that's lived meaningfully investing IN SOMEONE ELSE!I think THAT'S where the greatest joy is! It's where the greatest satisfaction is! A lot of personal issues...personal things that we fear or worry about or are concerned about seem much less important when WE'RE investing IN SOMEONE ELSE!When WE'RE seeking NOT OUR OWN GOOD but THE GOOD OF SOMEONE ELSE! When WE'RE seeking TO SEE THEM CHANGED...TO SEE THEM GROW...That energy...that focus keeps us from dwelling on our own issues. Our own issues become too big in our eyes when were completely focused ON them. When were thinking ONLY ABOUT this problem THAT WE HAVE, IT becomes SO BIG, THERE SEEMS NO WAY AROUND IT!But when YOU look at someone else’s life – one reason why WE NEED EACH OTHER – you can see THEIR PROBLEM IN GOD AND THE PERSON,  YOU’RE NOT QUITE SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO IT…SO YOU’RE IN A BETTER PLACE TO see the real picture and offer needed HELP!That’s also true when YOU’RE the one that needs help. You need people who are investing IN YOU…who are looking at YOUR issues and helping you see that, “Hey! God's still there! The problem is not as big as it seems like when you're in the middle of the mess!”So we NEED each other! That's an important part of the spiritual life that we can never get away from.
Check out for show notes and past shows. Write me at if you have comments or questions. Join our facebook community and tell a friend if you have found this show helpful! Keep Running!

Interview with Cameron Smith

Friday Jul 28, 2023

Friday Jul 28, 2023

Cameron returned from a medical missions trip to Bolivia recently with some lessons and thoughts for us.

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023

Today on Run With Horses, I am continuing my discussion from last time on living a life that is worthwhile. We need to count the cost, but it is always worth it to follow Jesus.
My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Run Your Race Well, not just Surviving but Thriving as a Disciple of Jesus! There are a LOT of things you could do with your life, but I don’t think anything compares with following Jesus and joining Him on His mission of bringing Hope to the nations.
Thanks for including me in your journey!
On the last show I asked two important questions, First, What is your life worth? You are spending your time on something. Is it something worthwhile?
Second, What is 1 thing worth giving the next 5 years of your life to accomplish?
I want to challenge you to live an Intentional life. If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. But I’m not sure that Jesus really intended for us to live that way. Look at Luke 14: 25-33
My take is that Jesus is calling us to an intentional life and we need to consider what it will take to live it. John 8:12
I’m pretty sure that is a good thing! Jesus wants us to join Him on His mission, and He wants us to kow that it is a lifetime commitment that will cost us. But it is worth it!
So if you are tracking with me, you are considering what your life is worth, and thinking about what is worth your life. Maybe you are already committed to following Jesus and have a clear picture of the tower you are building and have your sleeves rolled up as you put in the effort to see God’s work in your life and through your life accomplished. If so, Awesome! Let me know what God is doing in your life, I would love to rejoice with you and pray for you as you live a life of eternal meaning and purpose!
Reach out and encourage those around you to join you and keep on keeping on!
But I know many feel stuck in a run and want to make some steps of faith. The tower they began working on years ago is still just a foundation that has sand blown across it and weeds starting to creep in along the edge. The busyness of life and the distractions of the world make it easy to leave the hard work of building a spiritual tower for another vague time in the future when “things settle down”. Hey, no judgment here, I have been there.
But it’s not OK to stay there. God really is doing something in your life and He wants to make you a better you, and give you a bigger purpose than just making it to the end of the week unscathed.
God never hides the fact that He has great plans for us. See Ephesians 2:1-10.
As you pray about what God is doing in your life and seriously answer the question about what is worth spending the next five years of your life to accomplish, remember that God already knows and has planned the good works for you. And He has prepared you for those good works!
There is no reason to fear or turn away, God Himself has promised to go with you and give you His strength to accomplish His purpose in and through you. Maybe the old Nike slogan, Just Do IT, would be appropriate here. We often hesitate and loose momentum or even sink into the mire of earthly things and get stuck in our spiritual life. And that carries over to all aspects of life. You can’t be the best YOU without being tied to God’s mission on earth and your part in it. He gave you gifts for a purpose and without using them, you are always out of step with your eternal purpose.
Know that you are created with a purpose and embrace God’s call on your life. But, count the cost. The work God has called you to will cost you. And it will be worth it.
As you look toward the future and consider how to invest the life that God has given you, along with all of your gifts, talents, abilities, and resources; consider how you can be intentional along the way. I believe God has given us intellect for a reason, Use it to plan out a path forward that is in line with His mission, uses your gifts, and builds up His church. Evaluate yourself and consider adding new skills to your list. What will help you be a more effective servant along the way? Similar question, Who should you be traveling with? As you build a spiritual tower and are counting the cost, consider how Nehemiah rode around the city walls evaluating and only then did he reach out and invite others into the work God had laid on his heart. He presented a clear plan of action and challenged everyone to do their part for the Glory of God. Who can you challenge to go with you as you intentionally pursue a life in Jesus’ footsteps?
Thanks for joining me today! Check out for show notes and past shows. Write me at if you have comments or questions. Join our facebook community and tell a friend if you have found this show helpful! Keep Running!

Monday Jul 24, 2023

Today on Run With Horses, we consider the value of a life. You are trading your time for something, is I worth it?
My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Run Your Race Well, not just Surviving but Thriving as a Disciple of Jesus! There are a LOT of things you could do with your life, but I don’t think anything compares with following Jesus and joining Him on His mission of bringing Hope to the nations.
Thanks for including me in your journey!
Hey I have a question for you! What is the one thing that has encouraged you the most as you follow Jesus and grow as a disciple maker? I really want to know, please send me an email at with your answer. I hope to do a show using some of your responses in the future so get in touch and let me know what has been an encouragement to you along the way. I know we all need it and it comes in many forms and through many people. What or who has encouraged you? 
I have had a busy few weeks, months actually, with big changes in where I am, what I am doing and how I am able to spend my time. As I think through my options and consider how God is working in me, I have been considering the question, What is worth spending a life on?
Many options: career, family, pursuit of leisure activities, to become skilled at something, fame, etc. Certainly the world gives you lots of ideas to pursue!
In some ways the actual value of your life is the sum of all the activities that make up your life. What are you doing with the time you have? Have you ever wondered if it is worth it?
All the time, some people say, and yet they aren’t willing to do anything different to change things.
Here is my real question and challenge for the day. What is 1 thing worth giving the next 5 years of your life to accomplish? Your whole life is too big too think about. You change over time as your experiences influence you. But you do need to plan out a course of action that will give you direction in the neat future. You do have a plan for your future don’t you? ; )
For those who are lost already, here is my summary of life planning.
You need to see the big picture. You and Eternity. This life definitely has meaning both in the here and now and in eternity. Your choices matter. Big picture – where are you headed? What gives your life meaning and purpose? God needs to be front and center here and you want your life to be attached to what He has said is important.
Once you have the BIG Picture clear in your mind, you can begin to consider your direction in life. You have a standard to refer to along the way and to guide you as you make decisions. Are my choices leading me closer to the goal or further away? Are my choices consistent with what I say I believe or do they call me a liar?
Consistent choices lead you somewhere over time. Hopefully nearer to the heart of God!
With that BIG Picture as the context. I want to repeat my question from earlier.
What is 1 thing worth giving the next 5 years of your life to accomplish?
What is a here and now, this life challenge that is worth the time and effort it will take to see the needle move? Maybe it makes more sense to ask it this way. If you were serious about following Jesus daily for the next 5 years what would you do?
What choices would you make differently than you do now? How would you evaluate your progress? Success?
Who would you want with you on the journey?
I think too often we spend all our time focusing on the details of today without stepping back to consider the BIG Picture of what God wants to do in and through us. We fail to make the changes that would move us closer to Him and keep us on His pathway. Ministry becomes an afterthought it we think about it at all. Service is for others, we are too busy.
What would it take to change that for you?
Is it your desire to follow Jesus with your heart, soul, mind and strength? What is keeping you from it?
Do the people you talk to day after day motivate you to love God more and serve people more or are they helping you stay distracted and focused on your own plans and desires?
In light of eternity, in light of the call of Jesus for you to take up your cross and follow Him, What is ONE thing that is worth giving the next 5 years to accomplish? What moves you closer to Him and His mission of reconciliation?
Jesus has called you. Your life is the answer. What does it say?
Thanks for joining me today! Check out for show notes and past shows. Write me at if you have comments or questions. Join our facebook community and tell a friend if you have found this show helpful! Keep Running!

Friday Jul 21, 2023

Today I interview a missionary with ABWE to Asia.

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023

Today on Run With Horses, today we look at some things you can be doing now to prepare for ministry in the future.
My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Run Your Race Well, not just Surviving but Thriving as a Disciple of Jesus! There are a LOT of things you could do with your life, but I don’t think anything compares with following Jesus and joining Him on His mission of bringing Hope to the nations.
Thanks for including me in your journey!
Five Foundations for Ministry
As a Christian following Jesus, contemplating the role of ministry in your life is essential. Regardless of whether you aspire to become a deacon, pastor, church planter, missionary or Sunday school teacher, it's vital that you grow consistently along the journey. Accepting these roles means embracing change in your life. Here are Five areas to consider as you build a foundation for future service.
First is Character Development; strive to emulate Christ’s character by getting to know Him and His teachings and allowing Him to transform you. We are changed by the people we hand around with. Spend a lot of time in God’s Word and it changes you. You see your selfish desires more clearly and desire true humility and godliness. Spend time with God in prayer, study His Word and make a special place in your life for fellow believers. Traits to develop? Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Patience, Gentleness, etc. Really the fruit of the Spirit should mark your life.
Gal. 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
Second are Core Values: It’s essential that your core values align with Jesus. You need to learn what Jesus prioritized during His time on earth. You should develop the same priorities and consistently live out these priorities in all your choices. Your life is a series of small choices that reveal what you really care about. Your priorities form an integral part of your foundation as a Christian leader. Make sure they align with God’s priorities. Jesus valued Obedience to the Father, Peace, Relationships, Faith, A commitment to the ministry of Reconciliation, God’s Glory and the list goes on. Read the Gospels to see how Jesus spent His time and energy, and even His Life.
Third are Competencies or Skills: Identify the necessary skills for your chosen ministry path and devise strategies on how to acquire them. Engage with those already serving in such roles to gain insights on what skills you can be working on now. Every role has different requirements. As you grow spiritually you will gain new insight into ministry as well as new skills that will help you serve better. Public speaking, teaching, leading a small group effectively, leading music, or even using the churches riding lawnmower. These are all skills that might benefit you as you pursue God’s call on you life and make yourself available to serve.
The Fourth area revolves around Experience: If you aim to become a Sunday School teacher or Deacon for instance, prior participation Sunday School and church business meetings provides at least a small foundation to build on when you consider stepping into a leadership role. Being part of the church life equips you with practical knowledge which can be utilized when stepping into new roles. I encourage you to volunteer and help out in many different kinds of ministry as you are considering your gifting and role in the body of Christ. Serving in your churches food pantry to going with the youth group on a missions trip. All of these little things add up and help clarify your place in the body when you are looking for ways to serve others.
Lastly comes Commitment; Serving others requires sacrificing personal wants for the cause of Christ and his people. A leader of any kind will be demonstrating increased commitment along with increased responsibility. The willingness to make some sacrifices for the good of others is a key factor in choosing leaders. Commit to serving others in small ways now as preparation for greater service later.
These five area are all important if you're considering ministry because ultimately being like Jesus entails serving others like He did.
Thanks for joining me today! Check out for show notes and past shows. Write me at if you have comments or questions. Join our facebook community and tell a friend if you have found this show helpful! Keep Running!

Monday Jul 17, 2023

Today on Run With Horses, we look at a question from a listener, the topic? Single missionaries!
THE QUESTION: Is it generally ill-advised for single men to go as missionaries to another country? My logic behind this is that I have seen married couples and families being missionaries abroad, as well as single women, but the only single men I know serving as missionaries abroad are/were engaged when serving. I know single men CAN serve as missionaries abroad, but is it appropriate (SHOULD they?)? I have always assumed that single male missionaries are practically non-existent because the sexual temptations could be too dangerous to risk sending a single guy.
Excellent question! To start this article has some good thoughts from a single male missionary.
There are a lot of ways to look at this and I am sure my take is not unique or even the best. But here are some thoughts. Short answer, Yes, they should!
Now for the long answer.
First, God calls all of us to be disciple makers. That means pursuing God first in all areas of life. Anyone considering missions should be an active, growing follower of Jesus. I would really want that person to be involved in a community of believers and have multiple relationships where ongoing accountability is normal.
Second, Anyone sensing God’s leading in their lives towards ministry of any kind should be talking to their pastor and the spiritual leaders in their life to get advice and direction. Since I believer God has called all of us to ministry, using our gifts for the building up of the church and serving as ambassadors to the world, This step should include every believer!
Third, I believe everyone pursuing ministry would do well to seek out a mentor, or multiple mentors to help them navigate some of the pathways available to them as they train and prepare for the future. One such mentor that might be a challenge to find but who would be valuable for the young man looking at going to the mission field as a single, would be an older single missionary. Statistically single men are much less common than single men on the mission field.
Let’s pause in our thoughts on preparing and going as a single man to address the WHY are they so uncommon?
No easy answer that I can find! Lot’s of people have asked the question though. Here is an example article by Brooks Buser.
One quote from the article. “Two-thirds of missionaries are married couples, the other third are single women, the rest are single men.”
Single men aren’t going to the mission field, single women are. Buser mentions pornography, student debt and getting married as three common reasons. I have seen all three of those keep people from ministry. But I wonder if a bigger issue is not that we aren’t preparing our young men to follow Jesus. The world calls them to make money, have fun, look for adventure and change the world. I fear that too often the church doesn’t call them at all. If too few of us are answering the call to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus, too few of us are influencing the next generation.
The adventure and changing the world rhetoric of the world can’t hold up to the life changing message of Jesus. Talk about a life of value! The mission of reconciliation is an eternal mission that surpasses all else in scope and impact. It is also fun, and filled with adventure but that’s not the point.
Why are single men not on the mission field? They aren’t in our churches. They aren’t in our small groups. They aren’t being challenged to give their lives for the greatest mission ever undertaken. If more men are actively engaged in disciple making, I believe the process of spiritual growth would lead more of them to consider missions.
Back to getting ready to go as a single missionary.
Fourth, A single missionary, male or female, should plan to be intentional about pursuing healthy relationships before leaving and after arriving on the field. Ideally, all single missionaries would be part of a multi-member local team. Two or three families working together with a single or two would provide support and help along the way.
Fifth, whether in person or online, a single missionary, as well as married missionaries!, should have people who know them and are part of an accountability and support team.
Single missionaries are a valuable part of the missions community and have a lot to give to the work. There are certainly dangers, but that is true for us all. Intentional pursuit of righteousness and a firm connection with the church family go along way to keep all of us on track. Add in a healthy dose of humility and a solid spiritual foundation to keep the focus in the right place.
Check out for show notes and past shows. Write me at if you have comments or questions. Join our facebook community and tell a friend if you have found this show helpful! Keep Running!

Friday Jul 14, 2023

Today on Run With Horses, we consider our responsibility and God’s plan – That includes stewardship, God’s sovereignty and God’s grace.
My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Run Your Race Well, not just Surviving but Thriving as a Disciple of Jesus! There are a LOT of things you could do with your life, but I don’t think anything compares with following Jesus and joining Him on His mission of bringing Hope to the nations.
Thanks for including me in your journey!
I need a better system for keeping track of emails. I have folders but somehow I have too many and they don’t work as well as they should. I need a new system. Any good ideas out there? Let me know!
Susan and I in the car, talking about life. Stewardship, responsibility and expectations came up. Not using those exact words but the topics were definitely there.
Here is an important thought we focused on. Being a good steward does not guarantee you good results. We don’t like that do we!
We feel like we earned a good result by making good choices in life.
However, your faithfulness doesn’t obligate God to act in a certain way.
You can exercise and eat right but still get cancer or die in a car wreck. Does that mean you shouldn’t be a good steward? No! It means God is the ultimate authority and you can only be a good steward of what HE give you. It’s hard to be satisfied with less than we feel we deserve.
It’s also true in sharing the gospel. We can pray and share the gospel faithfully and still not see that dearly loved friend or family member turn to Jesus. It’s important to remember the three parts – my part, your part and God’s part. God never fails in his part. And even when we do our part, each person is responsible themselves before God. It’s hard for us to accept that sometimes.
Let’s take a sticky subject these days. Politics. Your vote for president doesn’t guarantee he will win or that if he wins he will act as you believe he should. Romans 13 comes to mind here. This is one of the passages we were talking about in the car.
How does this phrase strike you? “The authorities that exist are appointed by God.”
Proverbs 21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.
It seems to me that we like these kinds of verses when we like the leaders we have. We begin to wonder if God made a mistake somehow when we don’t like them!
My part, your part and God’s part. And then there’s Grace. Thankfully grace covers a lot of me failing to do my part well. I am so thankful that Grace covers when my strength is weak and my mind is dull. Like Paul I always want to be confident that His grace is sufficient.
And that means His Grace is sufficient for you. Somehow is is harder for us to accept mistakes in other people’s lives than in our own. God’s Grace is sufficient for me but you better watch yourself! Oru critical, judgmental nature pops right out when others stumble.
An important part of our spiritual journey is realizing that God’s Grace is sufficient for me, and for you. I have to be a willing vehicle for God’s Grace in your life. Instead of Judging, bringing a helping hand and a word of encouragement knowing that I will need it tomorrow.
The spiritual life is never boring! There are always new lessons to learn and new steps of Faith to take as we follow Jesus. Be a good steward of what God gives you, trust Him in the details and give Grace to those around you. And Keep Running!


Welcome to RWH

Hi, my name is Norman and I am a husband to a wonderful wife, father to three awesome kids, missionary in Japan, sometime artist, occasional musician and songwriter, often a runner, dog lover, motorcyclist and all-around normal guy.

But mostly I am just trying to follow Jesus in a broken world.

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