
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
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Living an Intentional Marriage
1. How does your view of marriage reflect your family upbringing?
2. How does God play a part in your relationship?
3. Questions for you to ask yourself or each other.
a. How are we doing as a couple?
The idea if not the actual question needs to be addressed. Commit to staying close.
b. In this season of life, what is our focus and where is our joy?
c. How am I honoring my spouse?
d. Are you dealing with anything that I can help you with in this stage of life?
e. What are a few ways I can be more understanding of your current struggles/ life challenges?
f. What do I need to know most about where you are spiritually, emotionally , etc right now?
g. Are you satisfied with the amount of time we spend together?
h. What ways can we be building our friendship more?

Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
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#NDMF2023 Random Thoughts on Making Disciples – Part 2
6. Don’t count people out or pre-judge who is capable or will respond. Discipleship is not just for the most mature believers.
- Who is around you now that might respond if you asked them about getting together?
7. Are you a disciple worth reproducing?
- Where are you in the basics? Are you intentionally pursuing Jesus? What are your strengths and weaknesses spiritually? Are you asking these kinds of questions?
8. Don’t pre-filter. Train everyone and then coach those who put it into practice.
- Do your best to encourage and equip everyone around you. When people respond by applying Scripture to their lives and pursuing Jesus themselves, be their biggest fan and help coach them as they grow.
9. Every generation has a new great commission.
- Be on mission. Jesus came to this earth with a purpose. He shared that purpose with His disciples and ultimately the church. Be clear about your purpose.
10. Empower, Equip, Release.
- Don’t seek or hold on to power. Give those around you freedom to grow, serve, and use their gifts.
11. Don’t be a savior. Lead people to Jesus.
- People don’t need you, they need Jesus. You can’t fix everyone’s problems. That isn’t your role and shouldn’t be your goal.
12. Keys to disciple making; close proximity, relationship, life together. Know God’s Word, read all of it, and share it together.
- Keep God at the center. Be focused on your own spiritual growth and invite those around you to grow with you.
The life of a disciple isn’t necessarily complicated, but it is often hard. You make choices every day that make following Jesus easier or harder. You make choices every day that draw you closer to people or pull you away.
Be intentional. Put Jesus first. Love those around you. Choose Joy!
And keep running. . .

Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
And Here We Are! Episode #200! Many thanks to our listeners, take a moment and let someone else know about us to help us find the people we try to encourage and support as disciple makers and followers of Jesus in the world today.
Always Rejoicing!
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#NDMF2023 Random Thoughts on Making Disciples
1. Remove unnecessary barriers that keep people from Jesus.
2. We need three spaces to be in the best position to grow spiritually.
* crowds – the Big Sunday gathering
* small groups – think of the 12 disciples walking through life together with Jesus.
* microgroup – consider the three closest disciples to Jesus. These are intentionally organic, personal, require an invitation from an individual and are focused on multiplication.
3. Discipleship is messy. No tools are perfect. Do something.
4. Disciple thrives when four things are intentionally present.
*accountability in relationships
*God’s Word is the curriculum
* the goal is reproduction
4. Simple is best. Up, In, Out - God, Disciples, World
5. Invest in someone. Eliminate distractions, DO something.

Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
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What do you want for your children? Are your goals hindering spiritual growth?
Many people have goals for themselves and for their children that fall short of God’s plan and purpose for their lives. Where do you stand?
Where do you get your goals for your children? Do you have clear goals for your children?
At the National Disciple Makers Forum ,#NDMF2023, Renae Sprouls talked about the culture problem facing the church. As she and her husband mentor young parents, they often hear variations on the same themes when they ask about goals for children:
“We want them to think for themselves. We want them to be successful. We want them to question authority. We want them to be happy.”
While those are not all awful things, they are built on a few dangerous assumptions:
1. There is no authority outside of self.
2. Self is the moral authority.
There is no longer a general knowledge and acceptance of the Bible as an authority for life.
Renae challenged parents to keep two things in mind if they want to be raising children who are not swept along with the winds of culture.
1. Be really clear about Jesus.
* Jesus had a high view of Scripture
* Jesus came to fulfill the law
* The Bible is God’s Word; there is no higher authority.
* Man shall not live by bread alone. The spiritual life matters. Scripture is the foundation.
2. Teach your children to feed themselves.
* Parents are responsible for teaching life skills. Handling God’s Word is an important one!
* Many people don’t know where to start with the Bible. Encourage and teach everyone – you can and must feed yourself from God’s Word. Give them freedom and confidence to try.
*Children can do it too! Learn to eat like an adult! What is modeled and expected becomes normal.
- TV, movies, music, SM, are all like junk food; they kill our taste for real truth.
- Teach your kids, “If you don’t like it, keep trying it.” You will learn to appreciate your vegetables and your Bible as you grow up. If you find truth you don’t like, don’t ask what is wrong with the truth, but what is wrong with me that I don’t like the truth. God changes us over time as we grow in Him.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
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Family Discipleship 101
There is a family discipleship crisis! How do we know? Look at the church culture and compare it to the world culture. Do you see a difference? No? There is a family discipleship crisis!
Parents are often overwhelmed with their own spiritual issues and have trouble finding the time and spiritual energy to help their children navigate life biblically.
So what is family discipleship? It is simply parents taking responsibility for their own and their children’s spiritual growth. Instead of leaving it up to the church to disciple your children, it is taking initiative to know and grow your kids! And it all starts with your personal walk with Jesus.
First, it is your role a parent. It is in the job description! Deut. 6.
My understanding is that in the past, maybe even through the 1960’s, parents were much more involved and aware of the need to be involved in their kids’ lives. Today, many expect the church and Christian schools to do it and even choose a church based on what is available for their kids!
Second, you are in the best place to work with your kids throughout the formative years of their life. You are with them most often and should be in a place to know them best.
Third, no one but God loves them more than you do!
Keep it simple and build a foundation you can add to as they grow.
My personal belief is that all disciple making is relational, and this is even more important with your kids. Really get to know them, not just tell them what to do.
Two keys are time and communication.
Talk about spiritual things with your children as you face things. You might not be able to share everything, but you can share general thoughts about where you are and the struggle and victories in your spiritual life. As you go through life, help your kids see God at work around you and in your family. Point out the blessings and teach them to be thankful. Having this as a goal is a great challenge for those of us who might not be naturally as thankful as we should be. Knowing your kids are watching you helps motivate you to be intentional about giving thanks!
Encourage your children to read the bible themselves and learn to look for God at work. Help them see what obedience looks like.
Keep your children engaged with the church family and help them learn to see God at work in the greater church family.
Take baby steps and build on the foundation you make! It is worth the effort so keep going! You can do it!

Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
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Single Christian Parent – Tips for Spiritually Supporting Your Children
Things not to do –
--Don’t badmouth the unsaved parent or the divorced parent. “Don’t listen to your mom.” Better way to approach that. “What does God say?” You can pray together for the unbelieving person.
--Don’t give in to depression, hopelessness, fear over ruining the kid because it’s just you. Don’t give up!
1. Trust God – He will do His part
Though it’s not ideal for both parents not to be Christians, God can work in spite of that.
Example: Timothy (with solid faith of mom and grandma)
Not ideal to be raised by one parent, God does amazing things there too!
2. You do your part – Be intentional
Work to build the relationship.
Be honest about your own limitations (time, work hours, expectations). God will provide.
Help child to learn to trust God as you trust Him, too.
Spend time in the Word of God together. Take child to church (if can).
Share your own spiritual testimony with them, apply Bible truths to daily life, pray together, etc. Make sure your spiritual life is open to your children, invite them into your relationship with God.
Try to provide good alternatives for your child if you have to be working and gone. -- library, creative outlets. Not just leaving them to video games, movies, etc.
Your attitude is so important! Don’t let regrets, past mistakes, etc. weigh you down and color how you move forward.
You, as the parent, can do a lot to encourage spiritual growth
3. Look for and Rely on the Christians around you
-- Christians in your own family (role models)
-- Christian role models in your church family
Connect your child with those who can assist in the gaps of your own parenting.
Pull in your church family – If you have no Christian wife, look for Christian women in your church who could meet some of those needs, be a good role model for your daughter. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Look for the man who can be a dad to your son or the woman who can be a mom to your daughter. Encourage those relationships with healthy couples. Encourage friendships with girls (or boys if sons) who have healthy relationships with their parents.
4. Expect and trust your child to do his/her part, too. They must choose and respond.
Sometimes we feel bad for our kids, so we as parents try to overprotect them. It’s difficult, but God uses difficulties to grow people, too!
It is difficult. It’s not what you chose necessarily, but God can still do great things in you and your children!
Be patient over time, do the best you can, be open with your kids, understand that God is at work. Be in it for the long haul.
It is one day at a time. God is doing His part, you do yours and trust Him with the results!

Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
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What is a self-feeding Christian?
What is it?
A self-feeding Christian is a believer who can open God’s Word himself, read it, understand the context sufficiently, and be able to apply principles to his own life. He doesn’t need someone else to explain everything to him, being “spoon-fed” like a newborn.
Why is this important?
1. You need to eat at least once or twice a day, but you go to church only once or twice a week. How will you be fed spiritually if you can’t feed yourself? If you wait to be fed by the pastor, you will become malnourished.
2. If you can’t read the Bible for yourself, you must rely on others to interpret and explain it to you, causing you to run into the possibility of being deceived by those who misinterpret the Bible. How will you know if they are leading you accurately?
3. Our goal is to become a disciple-maker. If you can’t feed yourself, how can you help someone else?
4. The Bible is written for the common person to be able to learn and grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). Anyone can read and do this! It is a huge joy to discover truths for yourself! God wants to reveal Himself to you, and He wants you to grow by reading His Word and sharing it with others.
How do I become a self-feeding Christian?
1. Start reading the Bible every day! You can follow a Bible reading plan, or simply read through a book of the Bible at a time.
2. You can begin by reading a short devotional and observing how someone else reads and interprets the Bible, applying it to everyday life.
3. You can read the Bible together with a friend.
4. Attend church weekly, pay specific attention to the Bible being shared. Do you agree? If not, why not? Know your Bible!
5. Memorize Scripture. Even when you can’t read, the Bible can speak to you.

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
What do you expect from church?
What are your expectations of other people in the church? Are they different than what you expect from yourself?
(https://research.lifeway.com/2019/10/14/8-unrealistic-expectations-of-church-leaders-and-how-to-navigate-them/) By Joe McKeever
Some unrealistic expectations of leaders and church members adapted from Lifeway Research:
1. Every sermon will be a winner.
2. Every church member will be happy and kind all the time.
3. Every doctrinal question will be answered in the sermons.
4. Every church program or event will be successful.
5. Every worship service will meet everyone's needs, felt and actual.
6. The church is solely responsible for all children's spiritual development.
7. The pastor should be available to everyone at all times.
8. Every church leader should be superhuman, never tired, grumpy, needing a raise, etc.
The answer as presented in the article is pretty good.
1. Get people praying. Particularly about real spiritual heart change and the spiritual condition of the church and community.
2. Address issues in small groups. Perfectionism, the role of the church in life and ministry, the mission of Jesus and every Believers responsibility are good topics for small group study and discussion.
3. Focus on discipleship. If every Believer is dedicated to intentionally applying efforts to growing in the character of Jesus and making real intentional efforts to be engaged in the mission of Jesus to the world, real spiritual growth and heart change results.
I would add to that, encourage and develop a church culture that is pro Scripture. Encourage reading daily, not just a verse or two but multiple chapters. Share good audio Bibles, and encourage listening to Scripture. Develop a church culture that is hungry for God's Word and mature enough to be directly engaged in reading and studying it themselves , not just relying on pastors and teachers in the church for their spiritual growth. Hear, Obey and Share.

Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
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Prayer, Fasting and Disciple Making - PT. 2
One clear point that struck me as important. In DMM around the world, there is a clear focus on prayer and fasting over leadership and strategy.
Biblical foundations are the goals but churches and groups can use the Bible to justify drastically different methodologies.
This conference focused on Scripture and DM. The churches I have been a part of my whole life also focus on Scripture but seem more concerned with correct teaching than obedience. Not that a call to obedience isn't there, it just isn't support well in the church structure and systems. Heart issues aren't addressed to the extent that truth is taught.
Is that just my experience or would you agree?
We rely more on a better program or event, really focusing on doing it well, instead of really focusing on relying on God to do the work. At least a lack of prayer would seem to indicate our focus.
"Be obedient, good luck, there will be a lesson on the work of the HS as it relates to the justification of the Saints next week. See you then." I am asking if we can do better at supporting a life of obedience without leaving Biblical doctrine behind. I think the answer is yes.
Jesus seems to have spent consistent regular time in prayer. He was marked by it to the point that His disciples, who would have been familiar with prayer in their culture as Jews, asked Jesus to teach them to pray. They saw a difference in His prayers and the prayers of the spiritual leaders in the temple.

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
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Prayer, Fasting and Disciple Making - PT. 1
Just returned from National Disciple Makers Forum 2023 in Indianapolis, IN.
Today, we want to give an overview of Prayer and Fasting from the conference and add some of our thoughts and experiences.
Shodankeh Johnson - West Africa - God's Word can Change a CountryAlthough the focus of the conference was on God's Word, Prayer was a parallel theme over the two days."We talk prayer, without praying". Shodankeh Ouch.In the Disciple Making Movement in Africa, they teach people to pray as they walk as they sit down and as they stand up. From Deut 6:7 but applied to the prayer life of the church.
Prayer in America: A Detailed Analysis of the Various Dimensions of Prayerby Paul Froese, Jeremy E. Uecker(https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jssr.12810)
Does prayer with others matter?Does time in prayer matter?

Welcome to RWH
Hi, my name is Norman and I am a husband to a wonderful wife, father to three awesome kids, missionary in Japan, sometime artist, occasional musician and songwriter, often a runner, dog lover, motorcyclist and all-around normal guy.
But mostly I am just trying to follow Jesus in a broken world.