Run With Horses

The Run With Horses podcast strives to help disciples of Jesus reach their full potential. Join us for practical advice to help overcome spiritual roadblocks and find the motivation you need to persist through life’s trials.

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What if this is the END? Worried?

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Many people are worried about the end of the world with wars, climate issues, moral decay and the general decay of things around us. God says trust Him, He is working!

Monday Jan 23, 2023

Spiritual Growth should be a goal for every believer. Today we look at a few verses that help us think through what that means in the life of a follower of Jesus.

How is your parenting?

Friday Jan 20, 2023

Friday Jan 20, 2023

Thinking through some common questions parents have about life as a family with children.

Can You Trust God’s Providence?

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023

How is this different from Fatalism? What is will be vs. What God purposes will be The key is God has a goal, moving all toward His purpose Fatalism has no point
How does my sin, choices affect God’s plan?
A.How should this information change my Thinking? 1.All my trials have meaning. No reason to say, “Woe is me.” Purpose in it.(Rom. 8:28)How I interpret life’s happenings
2. My sin is included in God’s plan
3. What God is doing is so much bigger than me. Spurgeon sermon on God’s providence – even the dust in the air is moving according to God’s purpose.God is working on an eternal scale, we only see what is right in front of us, and often don’t see that!
4. Knowing God is working should affect my attitude. Joy and Peace are the result of resting in Him. (illus. Norman’s truck) – Fear and worry have no place.
B.How should this change my Conversations?Word usage – accident, tragedy, Conversations about life’s troubles will be different if you see God’s hand working vs. if you don’t see it.
C. How should this affect my Decision making?You can trust God without worrying about making the “right” choice. You can’t make a choice that can ruin God’s plan.We take too much responsibility for God’s plan. “If I don’t share the gospel, this person won’t get saved.” 

Decisions, Decisions!

Monday Jan 16, 2023

Monday Jan 16, 2023

The choices we make can really affect our spiritual lives. Thinking through the process of how we make those decisions can really help us keep on track.

Friday Jan 13, 2023

Questions To Ask Yourself (and then your spouse) About Your Marriage
What kind of husband/ wife am I?What is the best part of our relationship in this time of life?What ways can I honor my spouse more?What is my spouse dealing with in life that I can help with right now?How can I be more understanding with my spouse right now?What strengths do I have? How do they benefit my marriage and my spouse?How can we spend more time together? What should we do or talk about?What would grow our friendship right now?How can I improve as a husband/wife?Am I growing in Christ-likeness? What will help me do so?

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023

Do You Have Goals For Your Family?
What are your goals for your family?What kind of family do you want to have?What are your family priorities? Do your spouse and children know them?What place does God have in your family? What place should He have?What will it take to be that family? What is your role?
For your children?What do you want for your children?Do you have spiritual goals for them?How are you preparing them for independence?What relationship do want to have with your children when they are adults? What will it take to get there?How are you passing your values on to your children? Hint: Be intentional!
For your marriage?What kind of marriage do you want to have? What changes do you need to make to be the person who you seen in that ideal relationship?How can you help your spouse be the person they were meant to be?Have you communicated any of this to your spouse? Why not?
For yourself?What kind of parent do you want to be?What kind of spouse?What will it take to be that person?

Monday Jan 09, 2023

Do A Self-Evaluation!
Evaluate your current life in each of the following six categories. From 1 to 10, how are you doing? Why did you give yourself that rating? What could you do to improve in this area? Write down one CLEAR ACTION that you can do this week to improve in this area.
Prayer, Bible Reading, Outreach, Discipleship of Believers, Time Management, Exercise, Personal Spiritual Growth
1) What are 2-3 areas where God is challenging me to grow spiritually?
2)What sins am I actively struggling with right now?
3)What am I studying/learning with the intent of applying it to my life?
4)If married, what am I doing to consistently help my spouse to grow spiritually? Kids?

Friday Jan 06, 2023

We have talked about journaling as a way to improve your consistency in reading the bible, today we share some of our journal entries with you.

Opportunities in Marriage

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023

Opportunities in Marriage;
Spiritual growth-- difficult circumstances provide motivation for growth; points out need for it!-- Example to spouse, encourages them to grow, too.-- Provides chances to practice trusting God, obedience-- Points out spiritual truth every day. Not about me. God-centered relationship needed
Service-- Serve spouse-- Practice sacrificial giving, humility-- Considering others better than yourself-- Learn to take responsibility
Disciple making-- Practice discipling (spouse, children) before trying it out on other people-- Opportunity to live every day with someone else’s spiritual interest in mind
Support, Barnabus-- Sounding board-- Accountability-- Sharing lessons-- Serve together; not alone
Help in time of need-- Shares your burden-- Face challenges/trials together-- Someone who prays for you knowledgeably


Welcome to RWH

Hi, my name is Norman and I am a husband to a wonderful wife, father to three awesome kids, missionary in Japan, sometime artist, occasional musician and songwriter, often a runner, dog lover, motorcyclist and all-around normal guy.

But mostly I am just trying to follow Jesus in a broken world.

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