
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Disciple Making Goals for 2023
Do you have a Paul, Barnabas and Timothy?
- Evaluate yourself, are you growing? What would help you grow this year? Are you ready to take on a challenge?
- Who do you know that might be willing to serve with you in ministry, committing to grow together?
- Are there people in your church family you could encourage and challenge in their spiritual walk this year? Who will you be discipling in 2023?
How do you identify someone to work with?
- F.A.T. - Faithful, Available and Teachable
- Who has time? Who is showing the motivation to learn and grow?
What are the tools and resources you need?
- Do you have topics identified to invest time in learning more about?
What do you do with someone you are discipling?
- Relational time together
- Prayer together
- Read the bible together
- Look for opportunities to serve together
Will you commit to looking for those around you who are spiritually minded and invest in them for the glory of God?
You will grow more than those you disciple!

Friday Dec 30, 2022

Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
New Years Resolutions to Improve Your Marriage relationship
What? How do we normally view resolutions. How is this different?
What are changes you can make in the next year to improve things?Recognize an area that could use growth/change
Why?Ideas of growth need areas:1. communication2. personal spiritual growth – let this be a connection point; communicate about this. Dealing with anxiety, fear, weak areas Dealing with sin issues: anger, responding wrongly, bitterness, grudges3. invest in each other’s spiritual lives4. time together (quantity, quality)5. forgiveness
How to? SMART goals S pecific M easurable A chievable R Relevant T imeframe
Specific examples. Clear goal you’re shooting for. Specific steps toward reaching the goal.

Monday Dec 26, 2022

Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
The Smith Family has a special round table to discuss Christmas traditions and why Christmas matters.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Our Possessions Own Us!
We always ask kids at Christmas, “What do you want for Christmas?” We set them up from early on to desire stuff!
We let our stuff define us, weigh us down, hold us back, cause us stress, drive us insane, cause us worry, dissatisfy us (in a quest for more), and divide our attention from what’s really important in life. It’s deceptive!
What place does stuff have in our life?
What affects your view of possessions?-- Your family background (had money or not)-- Your friends-- Your financial situation
What place should it have?
Why do we have Stuff?
Why is it important?
Can’t serve God and money. -- Matthew 6:24Parable of man who tore down barns to build bigger ones, not knowing he would die that day.The life consists of more than what a man owns. -- Luke 12:15
Stuff causes fights – 1 Corinthians 6:1, 7 Why not rather suffer wrong? Be defrauded?Stuff causes greed and covetousnessStuff causes anxiety – someone might steal; I might lose it. Mt. 6:19-20Stuff steals our focus. Mt. 6:21 Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.We worry about a lack of stuff in the future. (What will we wear? Eat? Mt. 6:25ff)
Stewardship vs. priority
What’s the reason for having stuff?When is enough enough?Why do we compare our stuff with that of others?What drives us to buy more?Why do we let stuff become so important to us, when we can’t take any of it with us when we die?
It’s so easy to acquire more things; and it’s so difficult to get rid of things. It’s so easy to acquire bad habits/sins; and it’s so difficult to get rid of them and replace with good.
If possessions have a high place in your life, they compete with God for your highest priority. We make decisions based on protecting our things instead of honoring God.
How do we change?
ID right attitude towards things/ possessions. Heart’s desires. Must desire God first.
Give your stuff to God.
Find people who deal well with their stuff/money. Spend time learning from them.

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Keep up with the news and ask your questions at www.runwithhorses.net
Today's Listener Question:"I have a question! This is related, I believe, to all three areas of your podcast, Biblical Discipleship, a Healthy Marriage, and a Godly Family. What do you believe the Bible says about spankings, both in the Old and New Testaments? Should we or shouldn't we based on what we read in the Scriptures? At my stage in life, I do not think I need to ponder how, though I am wondering if we should and what are the implications (theological, mental, cultural) of physical discipline of one's children. What are your thoughts?" - from email
corporal punishment -noun: punishment that involves hitting someone : physical punishment
A corporal punishment or a physical punishment is a punishment which is intended to cause physical pain to a person. - No! No! No!
Problems: 1. Punishment – this is not a biblical goal for parents. Punishment does not equal correction. Many people equate the two, Do NOT punish your children!2. Intended to cause pain – again, this is not the purpose or intention of any biblical parent! The purpose of biblical parenting is shepherding a child’s heart toward Jesus. For example, the slight emotional pain of being deprived of a toy only helps with focus and communicating the seriousness of the correction, the purpose is not to cause pain, but to encourage heart change.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends healthy forms of discipline, such as positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviors, limit setting, redirecting, and setting future expectations. The AAP recommends that parents do not use spanking, hitting, slapping, threatening, insulting, humiliating, or shaming. - https://www.verywellfamily.com/facts-about-corporal-punishment-1094806, (accessed 12/15/2022)
Criticism of CP:1. It Makes Behavior Worse -can cause aggression in future2. It Is Ineffective – no better than a time out3. It Hurts Relationships – particularly between parent and child4. It Is Linked to Mental Illness – depression, anxiety, etc
“Discipline shouldn't be about controlling kids. Instead, it should be about teaching them to control themselves. As a result, it is best to use strategies that will help your children learn from their mistakes while also cultivating better decision-making skills. “ (cited above)
Proverbs 23:13-14 KJV13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest (discipline) him with the rod, he shall not die.14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.
Proverbs 13:24
Proverbs 29:15
Proverbs 19:18
Proverbs 22:15
Ephesians 6:4
Keys to Correction1. Your attitudeYou can NOT correct your child properly if YOU are angry.
2. God’s Word is the Foundation. He is the ultimate judge and one we obey. Point your child to what God has to say about their behavior, but more importantly, their heart.
3. Child’s attitudeYou are correcting a heart condition. Help your child see their own heart and motives for behavior.Pray with them and for them.
4. Correction should be matched to the child and their needs, there is no universal “method” that works with all children at all stages of their spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical growth. MOST children can probably be corrected without spanking or other physical means most of the time. But it is more difficult, and there are some children who will be almost impossible to reach without serious effort if those tools are removed.
5. Consistency is King. Yes means Yes and No means No. ALL THE TIME! Consistency from an early age means less effort is required later, when children’s rebellion is more difficult to handle. Let your children learn that you always mean what you say while they are young and DO NOT change that. If you must error, err toward Yes. Protect your NO. It has to mean something.
6. If the parents do not agree or have different rules, all parenting for both parents is more challenging than it is supposed to be. Talk about and agree on the rules you will enforce. You weaken your spouses role in the home if you don’t back them up. Kids will play parents off of each other and try to manipulate you. Stick together!
7. Time with your children, playing, talking, working, serving, etc will make parenting easier. The better you know your children the better you are able to shepherd them toward Jesus.

Friday Dec 16, 2022

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Moving Tips from Norman and Susan
After 24 years as missionaries, 4 years of prefield and 20 years in Japan, we have had a lot of experience with moving! Here are a few tips and tricks we have picked up on the way.
Make a list – stuff you need to do before leaving
Set short goals – “I will sort/pack until 4 PM today.” Gives you a sense of accomplishment and focused purpose. After that time, you can relax.
Wear old clothes you hate the final day before leaving. Throw them away instead of taking dirty clothes! If you have other old stuff, wear that, too, so you can toss it along the way. (2-day drive)
Think through your itinerary. (Leave Grandma’s; visit supporting church; drive half-way to AL; drive rest of the way.) Pack stuff deep that you don’t need.
Clean out your car before packing day.
Pack small bags to fit in the car. Remember spaces under seats.
Vacuum-sealed bags are great, but they get heavy fast. Cause suitcase (cartop) get heavy!
Soft bags pack space easier than hard ones (boxes).
Plan your clothes carefully, to be used multi-purposefully (Sunday pants turned travel)
Make sure everyone has stuff to do on long trips. Kindles, audio books, etc.
Have snacks (granola bars, cereal bars, trail mix, thermos of water). Cheaper!
Stopping every 2 hours is better than going longer during stops. You feel better.
Going overseas, have a library card from overseas to borrow e-books. Especially for kids!
If you are stressed, your family will be stressed. Try to find ways to relax together.
If moving from house, if you can sleep elsewhere for even a week before moving, it’s hugely helpful. Don’t cook, either. Order in, eat out, etc, to save Mom’s nerves!
Other people helping is not always helpful.

Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
December and January is Travel Time for the Smith Family. Back to Japan. Bear with us!Send questions and ideas for shows we can do in the next few weeks, will help a lot. Tell a friend about Run With Horses, we want to be an encouragement to you and to everyone who is serious about following Jesus.
What is Goodness?“Goodness is virtue and holiness in action. It results in a life characterized by deeds motivated by righteousness and a desire to be a blessing. It’s a moral characteristic of a Spirit-filled person. The Greek word translated “goodness,” is defined as "uprightness of heart and life." It is goodness for the benefit of others, not goodness simply for the sake of being virtuous.” (accessed Dec.9,2022 - https://www.gotquestions.org/fruit-Holy-Spirit-goodness.html)
Mark 10:18 – No one is good except God alone.
Are you good? Not a chance! But as a Christ-follower you can be a good in the life of someone else as the Spirit of God works in you, You bear spiritual fruit that is not of your own making.
Doing the right thing because it is the right thing. Because it helps someone else.
Why is it important?
The world is looking at you! Friends, Family, co-workers, strangers.One of the things that gives us an opportunity to share Jesus with others is our actions and attitudes. We should want Goodness to mark them clearly.
The testimony of the church at large is influenced by our actions, attitudes and words. Goodness should mark the life of every believer. Titus 2:6-8 “ ...encourage the young men to be self-controlled... set them an example by doing what is good... In your teaching show integrity, ... and soundness of speech ... so that those who oppose you ... have nothing bad to say about us.”
Intentionally considering our actions and desiring that they be good is part of our fight against selfishness. We are self-centered at our core. Goodness is contrary to that self-centered attitude.
It is part of a life of obedience in following Jesus. Gal. 6:10 – Do good to all men, especially those of the household of faith.
God meets the needs of the church family as we practice acts of goodness in community.
As your spiritual fruit is expressed in acts of Goodness that benefit others, your service results in joy in your life that can be found in no other way.
How do we live it out?
Start with prayer. Ask God to give you spiritual strength and the courage to fight against the natural selfishness and desire to protect yourself. Our natural desire is to take care of ourselves. Goodness takes care of others.
Fill your mind and heart with the promises and words of God. Recognizing His hand at work in you and around you can give you the confidence in Him to trust Him to take care of you, freeing you to take care of others. Particularly consider how God sees people. Do you have the compassion that Jesus expressed? How do we do Good to those Jesus loves?
Make it a point to spend time each week with people who love Jesus. The church is really important to Him if you haven’t noticed. How can you do Good to them?
Spend time with people who are not like you. It really stretches you to see how others live and think about life. There is no context in which you cannot find Good to do. Look for it. Surrender to it.
In the end, Goodness is the overflow of a heart that is changed by God. You can’t just choose to be Good. You can surrender your life to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to control your mind, heart and actions resulting in the Goodness of God flowing through you and blessing those around you.
It’s not easy to follow Jesus. But then, He never said that it would be!

Welcome to RWH
Hi, my name is Norman and I am a husband to a wonderful wife, father to three awesome kids, missionary in Japan, sometime artist, occasional musician and songwriter, often a runner, dog lover, motorcyclist and all-around normal guy.
But mostly I am just trying to follow Jesus in a broken world.