
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Life 101: What are your NEXT ACTIONS?
Purpose – The Big WHY of Life
Most important that this is clear and firmly committed!
Vision – What does it look like when you live out your values and aspirations? 3-5 years down the road where do you want to be?
Dream Big and in line with your God- given purpose! Use your gifts boldly!
Goals – What do you need to do to realize your vision? 1-2 years out.
Brainstorm often and check the details. Are you planning to make progress? Then Plan!
Areas of Focus – What area do you need to focus on to succeed?
Are you active in the most important areas of life? Stuck in unimportant rat race? Looking too closely at the neighbors?
Projects – Everything that you have committed to accomplish. Personal and professional.
What is on your plate now? What should be on your plate now?
NEXT ACTIONS – For every project, what is the next thing that needs to be done to move it forward today?Clear, specific, actionable.
If you don’t have a next action, you aren’t working on it.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Are You Forward-Thinking?
Not getting wrapped up in today; need to spend a little effort to think ahead.
Not reactionary only.
Be pro-active – marriage When spouse has busy stuff ahead; how to support?
-- kids Before they have issues, how can I prepare them ahead of time for what’s coming?
Example: Help kids think about college; how to help them think through paying for it, order, timing
Example: Nathan: making rash decisions – quit job to follow God’s path, but not have another path in place. Puts whole family on edge.
If you’re not planning ahead, then you’re just reacting. Can’t spiritually or emotionally respond as well. Even little things – If spouse works late today and you know he’ll be tired, you can plan ahead to be supportive; make life a little easier for him to recover.
This is one way to show love and support by thinking about the spouse’s schedule and needs. Not just thinking of your own life and schedule. My choices and help can make things easier for him. “Consider others better than yourself.”
If you plan ahead, you make better choices/decisions. You can address it with more thought, get advice, etc. Example: Move living space to one floor before you are too aged to do it; before you are forced to need it.
Good stewardship. If not prepared, you could end up wasting money. Which causes stress and conflict with spouse! Financial problems! Reduces future stress if you plan ahead!
Plan time together to think and talk about upcoming schedules, life events, options, changes, the future. Your future together, your kids’ futures, preparation needed, ministry changes, church stuff. Spend time practically thinking about the future. Help set yourself up for facing things in the future.
Kids to college – you can help out on multiple levels; prepare couple for empty nest, different challenges – mow grass when older.
Changes coming up in kids’ lives and how it affects us.
Relationship changes – moves, kids getting married/accepting new in-laws,
Same with a church. When pastor is old and thinking of retiring, the church can think ahead and prepare for next steps. How to help old pastor ease out, how to look for new pastor, how to aid church in unified decision-making. Forward-thinking is helpful for all aspects of life.
If one spouse changes jobs/ministries, loses jobs; if start new ministry, takes up extra time; how does this affect spouse?
Scripture: You wouldn’t build a tower without counting the cost. Live wisely. Wisdom. Make most use of your time, resources; 10 virgins didn’t plan ahead. Faithful steward.

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Are you settling for Better in your spiritual life?
Quote of the Day:
“When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”— Dr. Seuss
James 1 teaches that God is using trials in your life to strengthen your faith. You need trials to be the person God is making you.
Understanding the purpose of a trial can help you go through it without being defeated.
God offers us His view of life, trials, pain, suffering, relationships, priorities, values and Himself.
To know what He says is Good. To follow it is Better. To pursue it with your heart, mind and soul is Best. Choose the Life He intends for you. Surrender control and put everything into being the person God says you are.
Consider Good, Better, Best
Pastor challenged me to pursue the best.
Good to avoid overt sin.
Better to follow righteousness, make choices that glorify God.
Best to surrender all to Him and give all your energy to be the person God intends for you to be. Heart, soul, mind and strength. Accept His goals for your life. Accept His direction. Work to build His family.
Mary and Martha - serving
Rich young Ruler – obedience to rules
What are you putting in front of living with God? Have you surrendered your all?

Friday Sep 23, 2022

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Keep up with Norman and Susan at www.runwithhorses.net and www.smithlife.net
Encourage One AnotherDefine: the act of giving someone support, confidence or hope
Why?It’s a command in the Bible.We all need encouragement. Life is hard.You’re in the best position to encourage. (closest to them, know them best)Part of what builds the relationship – foundational, maintenance-typeYou benefit from this, too!By trying to do this, you learn what encouragement is, what gifts you might have, grow in your ability to do this in family and to others.
What is encouragement?Intentional (There is an unintentional encouragement. Being a growing Christian, etc.) Underlying theme/goal is to BE an encourager – apply thought and effort into what it looks like.May be different depending on the person – * words – affirming, gratefulness, expressing love/care,* actions – serving, meeting a need, put them first, physical touch (hug), listen well,* being there – be present.
How do I encourage my spouse?Clearly make them a priority.Write a note.Remind them of promises in Scripture.Commit time to them. A date, a walk, availablePray together.Personal experience – how I’ve been encouraged; etc.Know what they like/enjoy; provide it. (If you don’t know, ask!) - day at spaBe growing spiritually, studying. It will provide a reservoir to draw from. Outflow
-- General info versus Specific to you– Communicate to each other about what is most encouraging to you. Specifically ask, “What is most helpful from me when you’re feeling down, etc.”

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Keep up with what is going on at www.runwithhorses.net !
Let us know where you are listening from and what God is teaching you.
Where does your motivation for Life come from?- Surrender / Trust God's Plan
Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of Self- satisfaction in Knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable. -John WoodenTension / Paradox- Surrender Your Will to Gods- Give up control to the Holy Spirit• Commit to the mission of Jesus
Your Life has tremendous value.God gave it that value.Your Life has tremendous potential.God gives it that potential.What does it mean to live as an image-bearer?Life of PurposeLife of InfluenceLife of RelationshipsLife of Sacrifice- Love God / Love God's people

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
The Smith family goes over our progress applying intentional planning to life.

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Don’t Drip! Don’t Complain/ Nag
Are you a complainer?
What is nagging? Complaining?
We get so used to it that we don’t notice it!
Is nagging ever good?
Our words have tremendous power for good or evil. Complaining or nagging will not get the result you hope for in your marriage!
Why do we complain or nag?
You want something to be different. You hope for a different circumstance or action from someone else.
Sin nature.
Proverbs 27:15-17 ;
Proverbs 21:9 ;
Philippians 2:14
Biblical Examples
Job 2:10 ;Samson and Delilah
Live the Spiritual nature.
Consider others best interest, especially your spouse.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 rejoice and give thanks!
Ephesians 4:29 – build up
How to change our conversation?
It is often a learned behavior. From parents or from friends.
Recognize the heart issues involved.
Communication is key. Put others above yourself. Micah 6:8 – Justly, Kindly, Humbly
Eph 4:32
Three cases:
1.Legitimate concern that needs to be addressed.
Health concerns, legit but the way you address it is important.
Pray about it first.
Plan a good time to talk. Spouse not tired from work, bad mood, etc.
Be clear, be kind, be willing to compromise and work TOGETHER for a solution AND for unity.
Share your love and concern.
What if your spouse won’t address problem?
May have to do it yourself.
Find another way to help your spouse understand the need.
2.Personal preference.
Pray about it. Ask God to change you both.
Talk about it, understanding there may be different opinions.
One person feels strongly about one thing, can be ANYTHING. Masks, new car, etc.
Your sin.
Confess and repent. Actively work on changing your habits.
Their sin.
Pray for them.
Gal. 6:2 – gentle, loving attitude is necessary.
Pick a time to talk, be careful of how to talk about the issues.
In the end recognize that only God can change people.
Examples of Destructive attitudes:
Control issues, micromanaging.
Entitlement mentality, I deserve this.

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Quote of the Day: If you know the Why, you can live any How
- Friedrich Nietzsche
As a Christian, we have the best Ultimate Why! But we have to
remind ourselves regularly why we make the choices we do. Know
your purpose, look for God at work in your daily life and be thankful.
Today I want to focus on Why You should live Intentionally.
Intent = with purpose, direction
God works intentionally. History is going somewhere, Not random.
God chose You. You!
God prepares you for good things.
relationship w/ Himself
fellowship w/ church
light in the community
God prepares good works for you to do!
He goes with you
He strengthens you
He prepared this work for you!
He gave you great people to work with The Church!
You are not alone
Let others know your strussles
Let others know your victories.
Look for opportunities to serve together.
what other options do you have?
Life of random, aimless choices?
Work that has no value beyond payday? Life of meangless entertainment and shallow relationships?
Q: Why would you choose those things?
A: You didn't. They are the result of not choosing a life of Following Jesus.
Chin up!
No matter where you are in life, You can make better choices
today. It is NEVER too late to live with purpose.
Glorify God Today.

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
You focus on something in life. What areas are you focusing on? Where do you spend your time and energy?
There are at least five areas you should be focusing on.>Spiritual Life >Relationships >Education >Health >CareerWhat are your Responsibilities ? Roles?Separate Personal + Professional and list your areas of focus.
These are arenas where you live out your life.Which ones are high priority?How do you evaluate them?ie. what are the criteria?
Some questions that will help.
Does this help me as I follow Jesus? Does it hinder me as I grow Spiritually?Does God have something to say about it? What does He say?
Which ones do you enjoy more? Less?Do you right now, have goals for each of these areas?Do you see how God is working in each area?
Where do you receive tasks/ jobs from others?Where do you have freedom to choose?Do you need to clarify any roles w/ someone else?
Go back to your Purpose Statement. How does each role or focus are, you have relate to it?
Do you have a mission or can you envision how your values, gifts and aspirations can be lived out in each Area of Focus or Responsibility?
Homework: Review your Purpose Statement, Vision of the future and current Goals and objectives.Make a list of your Areas of Focus or Responsibility.

Welcome to RWH
Hi, my name is Norman and I am a husband to a wonderful wife, father to three awesome kids, missionary in Japan, sometime artist, occasional musician and songwriter, often a runner, dog lover, motorcyclist and all-around normal guy.
But mostly I am just trying to follow Jesus in a broken world.